Tuesday, September 23, 2008

What Is Name Heroin Of The Myth

"I will pour upon the house of David, and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the Spirit of grace and prayer, and make access eyes on Me whom they have pierced. I cry, cries as the only son, and shall mourn for him bitter, as is usually done by the eldest son "Zac 12, 10

" Vela for each of his bones, not one will be broken "Ps 34.21

"Coming to Jesus, seeing that he was dead, did not break his legs, but one of the soldiers pierced his side with a lance and immediately blood and water came
" (Jn. 19 ,33-34).

the spear and the wound in his side

is a widely held belief common to place the heart on the left chest , but this location is not exact.
The heart occupies a middle position and above and rests on the diaphragm, behind lung and bone breastplate sternocostal in the anterior mediastinum.
Only the tip is positioned clearly on the left, while its base right above the sternum.

that probably as a result of popular opinion that places the heart on the left breast there is a tradition of opinions that put the thrust of the spear and struck on the left side of Jesus. Not all freewheeling. St. Augustine, for example, talks in the City of God " latere dextro, right flank, and also St. Francis of Assisi. According to Barbet, the Sabana Santa has been to elucidate its objective witness this problem, like so many others. The shape of the canvas, with the manifestation of the wound, proved that the body of Christ suffered launched on the right side and not on the left.

Obser so vase in the picture above the Savannah a huge blood clot on the right side, stretching up and down about six inches in a dimension of 15 cm .
Its inner margin appears serrated with rounded serrations. This blood stain highlighted in the Savannah, seen in broad daylight, on the crimson hue. The top of the clot, the closest to the wound, is thicker and wider, and it clearly distinguishes an oval track, which is obviously the mark of the wound in his side. This wound measured 4.4 inches long by 1.5 wide.

Barbet, shows that the wound was opened by a lance actuated by a foot soldier from the soil, which entered through the fifth intercostal space right across the pleura and pericardium and struck the right atrium. The blood that flowed came the launch of the atrium, and water, the pericardium, by virtue of extremely painful agony of the Savior.


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