Thursday, September 4, 2008

Ayurvedic Cure For Ankylosing Spondylitis


polytrauma person

Report by :
Dr. Rubén Darío Camargo Rubio
Internal Medicine - Critical Care
Barranquilla, Colombia


The ordeal of the cross is of oriental origin. Was received from the Persians, Assyrians and Chaldeans, the Greeks, Egyptians and Romans. Modified in various forms in the course of time.

In the beginning it was a simple post. After the auction was set at a fork or (furca), which was suspended following his conviction by the neck. Then he added a cross-stick (patibulum), taking a new look. Depending on how the club is holding cross the vertical stick, originated three types of crosses:
- The Crux decussata. known as St. Andrew's cross had the form of X .
- The Crux commisata . Some call it the cross of St. Anthony, resembled the letter T . ( Tau )
- The Crux immisa . Is called a Latin cross, we all know.
Jesus was forced, as was the custom to carry the cross from the flogging post to the place of crucifixion. The cross was more than 300 pounds (136 kilos) only takes the patibulum, weighing between 75 and 125 pounds. Was placed on his neck and balanced along both shoulders.

with extreme exhaustion and weakened, had to walk a little over a mile (600 to 650 meters) to reach the place of execution. The name Golgotha \u200b\u200bin Aramaic , Hebrew equivalent to gulgolet which means place of a skull, and it was a lump of rock, which had some resemblance to a human skull, today called for their translation into Latin Calvary.

Before the ordeal of the crucifixion, it was customary to give a narcotic drink (Wine, frankincense and myrrh) to the damned, in order to mitigate some of their pains. When Jesus presented to the brew, would not drink. What could mitigate moral and physical pain as intense as your body, all policontundido, only expected to face his latest ordeal, with no relief, with full control of himself?

With arms outstretched but not taut, the wrists were nailed to the patibulum. In this way, the nails of an inch in diameter at its head and 13 to 18 centimeters long, were probably made between the radius and the metacarpals, or between two rows of carpal bones, either near or through the strong flexor retinaculum and the various intercarpal ligaments. In these places claimed the body.

Placing the nails in his hands to be easily torn out because not having a significant bone support.
The possibility of a painful wound periosea was great, as the injury of arterial vessels tributaries of the radial or ulnar artery. The nail penetrated the sensory nerve motor destroyed or compromised the median nerve, radial or ulnar nerve, the condition of any of these nerves caused tremendous shock of pain in both arms. Impalement of various ligaments led to sharp contractions in his hand.

feet were attached to the front of estipete by an iron nail, nailed through the first or second intermetatarsal space. The deep peroneal nerve and branches of the median nerve and lateral sole wounded.

Is nailed both feet with a single nail or use a nail for each foot? Also this is a controversial issue. But it is more likely that each of the feet of the Savior on the cross was set by a different key. San Cipriano, more than once he had witnessed crucifixions speaks in the plural of the nails that pierced feet. St. Augustine and St. Ambrose , other expressly mentioned that the four nails used to crucify Jesus.

San Meliton of Sardis wrote: "The physical conditions and so violent to drive nails in end organs sensitive and delicate, became even more intense by body weight suspended from the nails, by the forced immobility of the patient, the ensuing intense fever, the burning thirst produced by this fever, convulsions and spasms, and also by flies that drew blood and sores ... "

There were those who might say that the Saviour's feet were not nailed, but simply subject to the cross with ropes, but this hypothesis has against both the unanimous testimony of tradition, which sees the crucified Jesus the fulfillment of that celebrated prediction: "They have pierced my hands and my feet ..." (Psalm 21), as in the Gospels themselves, for we read in Luke (Lk 24, 39-40) "See my hands and my feet, I myself: handle me and see ... And with that, he showed them his hands and feet ...".

Bossuet says: How to describe the moral sufferings endured by our Lord Jesus Christ during his horrific agony, accompanied with all kinds of outrages that he filled until the last minute. Suffered to see the look of his mother and devoted friends, who were mired in their pain deep sadness. All he was, so to speak, a torment to its members, in his Spirit in your heart and soul.

Of all the deaths on the Cross was the most inhuman, infamous punishment, which in the Roman empire was reserved for slaves ( Servile Supplicium ).

After the words are uttered in Gethsemane, Golgotha, which testify to this depth, unique in world history. "My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken me? " His words are not just an expression of that abandonment, are words repeated in prayer and that we find in Psalm 22.

"... Eloi, Eloi, Lamah sabájtani ... "

Psalm 21 (22)

by King David

my God

my God, why why have you forsaken me?

far from helping me voice my rujidos!

my God, I cry day, my God, do not answer,

also at night, there is no silence for me.

you are the Holy See

who dwells in the praises of Israel!

trusted and you set them free;

you cried, and left saved

in you they trusted, and were never confound.

And I worms that no man,

vulgar shame and disgust of the people,

all who see me mock me,

twist their lips, they shake the head;

"was entrusted to Yahweh, because he'll be free,

save you because He loves you!"

If your belly of took me out,

gave me confidence in my mother's breasts;

you I was handed when I left the womb,

from my mother's womb you are my God .

not walk away from me, for trouble is near,

no relief for me!

Many bulls surround me

acósanme bulls of Bashan

avid open their mouths against me,

lions that rend and roar.

As water poured me,

all my bones are disjointed

my heart is like wax,

it is melted in my gut.

my mouth is dry like a potsherd

and my tongue stuck to my throat;


you consume me in the dust of death.

countless dogs surround me,

a band of wicked cornering me

to my hands and my feet.

I can count all my bones;

they watch me and watch me,

reprtense each


garments and cast lots for my clothes.

But you, Yahweh, do not go far off,

haste to help me, O my strength,

Deliver my soul from the sword,

my only from the clutches of the dog;

save me from the jaws of the lion,

and my poor soul from the horns of the buffalo!

declare thy name unto my brethren,

assembly amid praise you:

"Those who fear Yahweh, give praise!"

race of Jacob, glorify,

fear Him, the whole race of Israel, "

he has not despised nor

disdained the misery of the miserable,

did not hide his face,

but when he cried listened.

From you comes my praise in the assembly,

my vows before those who fear him.

The poor shall eat and be fed,

those who seek him shall praise Yahweh.

your heart live forever!

remember and return to Yahweh all the ends of the earth,

bow down before him all the families of the people.

That is the rule of Yahweh, the Lord of the nations.

only bow down before him all the mighty of the earth,

before it will bend few down to the dust.

And for those no longer alive, will his offspring:

she will talk to the Lord to the coming age,

his justice the people will be born ...


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