Wednesday, September 17, 2008

How Many Guards Does The Queen Have


Dr. Pierre Barbet

During 1932, the French forensic pathologist Pierre Barbet, thanks to new higher quality photos taken the year above, began to study the image from the medical point of view. The position of the wounds caused by nails in the wrists, not the palms, as traditionally represented, led to work with corpses, discovered that the palms of the hands can not withstand the weight of a dead body, let alone that of a living body contorts, the flesh is torn apart quickly. Barbet showed that the only way a body was crucified the nails through the wrist, as with the image of the Shroud whose traces correspond to the "free space Destot, a small space between bones of the wrist where it can penetrate a nail size used by the Romans and be perfectly anchored. The ligaments of these bones provide sufficient support to resist traction of 70 kg. In addition, a nail placed and damages the median nerve, causing involuntary contraction of the thumb toward the palm of the hand, as evidenced by the Canvas and Yves Delage noted 30 years ago ... He noted that the trickle of blood from the arms move down along with the large blood stain on the forehead indicate that the blood flowed and coagulated while the body was upright, with arms extended and slightly above the head . The blood flowed as the natural contour of the body. Barbet concluded, according to his studies, saying: The picture on the Shroud is clinically accurate.

corroborated the study by Dr. Yves Delage (Professor of Anatomy Compared to the Sorbonne, surgeon of the Academy of Sciences in Paris) Pierre Barbet doctors (surgeon of the Hospital de S. José de Paris) Cordiglia Judica Giovanni (Professor of Forensic Medicine of the University of Milan). And current medical analyzed not only photos but the very fabric of the Shroud, such as Dr. Robert Bucklin (medical forensic pathologist at the Hospital of Los Angeles, California), Dr. Rudolf W. Hynek (in the Prague Academy of Medicine), Dr. Pier Luigi Baima Bollone (Professor of Legal Medicine, University of Turin) all agree on the medical reality of the testimony and not a single case of disagreement with what they relate the Gospels, but rather, in those cases that the Gospels are very sketchy, the picture perfectly complements Sindona what should have been. The image is negative, but the blood that soaked into the fabric is positive.

Dr. Pierre Barbet, a surgeon at St. Joseph Hospital in Paris, who also conducted so far the most comprehensive medical study of the Passion of Christ, as deduced from the Shroud of Turin. Unable to cover all aspects, we summarize the most relevant.


Injuries suffered in the Via Crucis:

Barbet Professor discovers on the Shroud, injuries from falls of Jesus in the Way of the Cross. Are sores on the front of the knee, especially on the right. The latter has abrasions different size and shape, edges trimmed and placed exactly in the patellar region. Up and out there are two round wounds two inches in diameter. The lesions are less obvious and numerous in the left leg. Illustrative Image

The traces of the cross on the back, clearly accuse the dorsal image of the silhouette of the relic. On the right shoulder on the outside of the suprascapular region, a large area is visible abraded down and in, which provides the shape of a rectangle 10 inches long by 9 wide. Further down the scapular region, there is another area abraded that exhibits the same characteristics (round shape with a diameter of 14 inches), just located in the subscapular region at the tip of the left scapula.

Surveying the wounds of the hands :

Merced Barbet teacher observations on the Shroud, then covered with anatomical experiences detained, has been unable to locate the topography exact wounds that were the nails in the hands of Christ, being crucified.
The nails did not cross the palm, as popularly believed, but the carpus or region of the pulse, that is, the wrist, precisely because the free space, clinically called "Destot space, limited by the lunate bone , pyramidal, capitate and hamate.
In fact, the Shroud, is discovered in his left hand, which is more visible, a round wound, very clear in the carpus, which part of a trail of blood that radiates obliquely upward and right up to the ulnar margin of forearm ...

continue ...


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