Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Walk Through A.surgeon App


The historical reality shows:

Year 30 - A anonymous and humble weaver shapes their most beautiful and fine linen . Sale of handloom a precious canvas, ignoring its creator that this beautiful material, would Sagrada history.

Year 33 - Joseph of Arimathea bought the expensive fine Sindone to, temporarily put on it to Jesus Christ which fell from the cross with permission from Pontius Pilate. The disciples Peter and John, once away from the tomb in a hurry the Shroud empty, the first folded in half and fold over that in four more, to make it visible only His Face. He remained hidden among his disciples as having shrouds funerararias was a serious offense to the Jewish law.

Year 40 - One of the disciples, Judas Tadeo, carried to Edessa. Byzantine historian Georges Gharib East showed that the tradition says that King Abgar of Edessa was healed the leper and 40 years receive the canvas with the image of Jesus Christ. This He did convert to Christianity. The canvas was in a monastery of monks. After some time away and only his memory remains as the successor of Abgar returned to paganism and the Christians of the city hid the Shroud.


525 - During the restoration of Hagia Sophia is found "by chance" hidden in a niche of the walled city on the western gate of Edessa as the chronicler writes Evagrius in the decade from 590 . Teofilaco VII century recounts that during a campaign against the Persians Mandylion (Greek word literally fabric "was not painted by human hand") and there it was called, bent was showing only the face of Christ.


544 - For the first time that flag was fully deployed to give courage to the soldiers of Edessa and is credited with saving the city on the site conducted by the Persians. It was called acheropita (not made by human hand).

Year 944 - The Byzantine armies in the course of a campaign against the Arab sultanate of Edessa, take possession of the Shroud picture Mandylion or not made by human hand and solemnly carried to Constantinople on 16 August, by order of Roman Emperor Lecapenus. It preserves the Greek manuscript of a sermon on the 16th of August, 944 Gregory archdeacon of Hagia Sophia in Constantinople, the day he arrived on the Shroud of Edessa to Constantinople. The Byzantine Church liturgical books left in the event of transfer of Mandylion of Edessa to Constantinople.

Year 1147 - Louis VII, King of France during his visit to Constantinople, venerate the Shroud.

Year 1203 - The Templar cross columnist Robert Clary, in a manuscript in the Library Royal Copenhagen writes: " The Shroud, where Our Lord was wrapped, was there, and every Friday stretched vertically, so you could see the figure of Our Lord. " ...

Year 1204 - After the looting and destruction of Constantinople on April 12, is secretly held by the Knights Templar who retained the Shroud in the fortress of Acre until 1291 guarded by the warrior monks and from there taken to the Templar headquarters Villeneuve-du-Temple, Paris. Until the year 1357 remained hidden.

Year 1307 - King Philip the Fair of France dissolved the Order of the Templars and the execution of its members.

Year 1357 - the web is shown for the first time in Europe in the chapel of Lirey, France, located 150 kilometers from Paris. The knight Geoffroy de Charny built the chapel for the Shroud, it is unclear how and when he took charge of it, he could not disclose that the order came from "cursed" by the Knights Templar, had been executed as one of them, it was secret. The Bishop of Troyes, Henri de Poitiers, whose diocese belonged Lirey collegiate called Geoffroy de Charny explanations on the subject that attracted much public. He simply gave the ambiguous answer that was a gift, without mentioning names. He explained that the relic had owned for three years. His widow kept the Shroud and Unveils despite the opposition of two regional bishops. Years later, the granddaughter of Geoffrey de Charny, Margarita, is responsible for the Shroud and is pursued by "snatch" of the Church of Lirey.

Year 1389 - Pierre d'Arcis, Bishop of Troyes, forbids the display of the Shroud.

Year 1453 - The Dukes of Savoy in Geneva receive the testimony and give him the old Margarita Varombon Castle.

Year 1509 - Margaret of Austria donates a silver urn which is conserved.

Year 1532 - There was a fire in the Chapel of the saved and the fire melted part of the silver urn on the folded fabric falling drops of molten silver pierced the canvas folding.

Year 1533 - Between April 15 and May 2, these holes were repaired by the Poor Clare nuns of Chambéry, who sewed 16 triangular patches with white linen in the larger holes and attached a fabric backing on the back of the Shroud (known as Holland cloth) to strengthen it. It is said that before 1200 was exposed to his first fire.

Year 1535 - For reasons of war, the fabric is transferred to Turin, then to Vercelli, Milan, Nice and back to Vercelli, where he remained until 1561, when it is returned to Chambéry.

Year 1694 - Emmanuel Philibert of Savoy, the move on September 14 in Turin, the new capital of Savoy, being placed in the chapel which had been commissioned to build the architect Guarini, where he has remained for 308 years.

Year 1706 - In June, the Shroud is transferred to Geneva due to the siege of Turin, at the end of which is returned to the city of Turin.

Year 1898 - the first picture is taken by lawyer Secondo Pia between 25 and 28 May. It started with medico-legal studies.

Year 1931 - During the exhibition by the marriage of Umberto of Savoy, the Shroud is photographed again by the professional photographer Giuseppe Enrie.

Year 1939 - During World War II, the Shroud is hidden in the sanctuary of Montevergine (Avellino) on 25 September 1939 to October 28, 1946.

Year 1969 - From 16 to June 18 there is a recognition of the relic of a study commission appointed by Cardinal Michele Pellegrino. It makes the first color photograph, taken by Giovanni Battista Judica Cordiglia.

Year 1973 - First live television show (November 23).

Year 1978 - Celebrating the Fourth Centenary of the transfer of the Shroud of Chambéry to Turin, with public exhibition from 26 August to 8 October. It then performs an analysis of the expert team of STURP (Shroud of Turin Research Project), who conducted the investigation of 120 hours.

1983 - Death March 18 the king of Italy in exile, Umberto II of Savoy, who left in his will and bequeathed the Shroud to the Holy See.

Year 1997 - On the night of 11 to 12 April the Shroud was exposed to the third fire in its known history.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

What Is Name Heroin Of The Myth

"I will pour upon the house of David, and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the Spirit of grace and prayer, and make access eyes on Me whom they have pierced. I cry, cries as the only son, and shall mourn for him bitter, as is usually done by the eldest son "Zac 12, 10

" Vela for each of his bones, not one will be broken "Ps 34.21

"Coming to Jesus, seeing that he was dead, did not break his legs, but one of the soldiers pierced his side with a lance and immediately blood and water came
" (Jn. 19 ,33-34).

the spear and the wound in his side

is a widely held belief common to place the heart on the left chest , but this location is not exact.
The heart occupies a middle position and above and rests on the diaphragm, behind lung and bone breastplate sternocostal in the anterior mediastinum.
Only the tip is positioned clearly on the left, while its base right above the sternum.

that probably as a result of popular opinion that places the heart on the left breast there is a tradition of opinions that put the thrust of the spear and struck on the left side of Jesus. Not all freewheeling. St. Augustine, for example, talks in the City of God " latere dextro, right flank, and also St. Francis of Assisi. According to Barbet, the Sabana Santa has been to elucidate its objective witness this problem, like so many others. The shape of the canvas, with the manifestation of the wound, proved that the body of Christ suffered launched on the right side and not on the left.

Obser so vase in the picture above the Savannah a huge blood clot on the right side, stretching up and down about six inches in a dimension of 15 cm .
Its inner margin appears serrated with rounded serrations. This blood stain highlighted in the Savannah, seen in broad daylight, on the crimson hue. The top of the clot, the closest to the wound, is thicker and wider, and it clearly distinguishes an oval track, which is obviously the mark of the wound in his side. This wound measured 4.4 inches long by 1.5 wide.

Barbet, shows that the wound was opened by a lance actuated by a foot soldier from the soil, which entered through the fifth intercostal space right across the pleura and pericardium and struck the right atrium. The blood that flowed came the launch of the atrium, and water, the pericardium, by virtue of extremely painful agony of the Savior.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

How Many Guards Does The Queen Have


Dr. Pierre Barbet

During 1932, the French forensic pathologist Pierre Barbet, thanks to new higher quality photos taken the year above, began to study the image from the medical point of view. The position of the wounds caused by nails in the wrists, not the palms, as traditionally represented, led to work with corpses, discovered that the palms of the hands can not withstand the weight of a dead body, let alone that of a living body contorts, the flesh is torn apart quickly. Barbet showed that the only way a body was crucified the nails through the wrist, as with the image of the Shroud whose traces correspond to the "free space Destot, a small space between bones of the wrist where it can penetrate a nail size used by the Romans and be perfectly anchored. The ligaments of these bones provide sufficient support to resist traction of 70 kg. In addition, a nail placed and damages the median nerve, causing involuntary contraction of the thumb toward the palm of the hand, as evidenced by the Canvas and Yves Delage noted 30 years ago ... He noted that the trickle of blood from the arms move down along with the large blood stain on the forehead indicate that the blood flowed and coagulated while the body was upright, with arms extended and slightly above the head . The blood flowed as the natural contour of the body. Barbet concluded, according to his studies, saying: The picture on the Shroud is clinically accurate.

corroborated the study by Dr. Yves Delage (Professor of Anatomy Compared to the Sorbonne, surgeon of the Academy of Sciences in Paris) Pierre Barbet doctors (surgeon of the Hospital de S. José de Paris) Cordiglia Judica Giovanni (Professor of Forensic Medicine of the University of Milan). And current medical analyzed not only photos but the very fabric of the Shroud, such as Dr. Robert Bucklin (medical forensic pathologist at the Hospital of Los Angeles, California), Dr. Rudolf W. Hynek (in the Prague Academy of Medicine), Dr. Pier Luigi Baima Bollone (Professor of Legal Medicine, University of Turin) all agree on the medical reality of the testimony and not a single case of disagreement with what they relate the Gospels, but rather, in those cases that the Gospels are very sketchy, the picture perfectly complements Sindona what should have been. The image is negative, but the blood that soaked into the fabric is positive.

Dr. Pierre Barbet, a surgeon at St. Joseph Hospital in Paris, who also conducted so far the most comprehensive medical study of the Passion of Christ, as deduced from the Shroud of Turin. Unable to cover all aspects, we summarize the most relevant.


Injuries suffered in the Via Crucis:

Barbet Professor discovers on the Shroud, injuries from falls of Jesus in the Way of the Cross. Are sores on the front of the knee, especially on the right. The latter has abrasions different size and shape, edges trimmed and placed exactly in the patellar region. Up and out there are two round wounds two inches in diameter. The lesions are less obvious and numerous in the left leg. Illustrative Image

The traces of the cross on the back, clearly accuse the dorsal image of the silhouette of the relic. On the right shoulder on the outside of the suprascapular region, a large area is visible abraded down and in, which provides the shape of a rectangle 10 inches long by 9 wide. Further down the scapular region, there is another area abraded that exhibits the same characteristics (round shape with a diameter of 14 inches), just located in the subscapular region at the tip of the left scapula.

Surveying the wounds of the hands :

Merced Barbet teacher observations on the Shroud, then covered with anatomical experiences detained, has been unable to locate the topography exact wounds that were the nails in the hands of Christ, being crucified.
The nails did not cross the palm, as popularly believed, but the carpus or region of the pulse, that is, the wrist, precisely because the free space, clinically called "Destot space, limited by the lunate bone , pyramidal, capitate and hamate.
In fact, the Shroud, is discovered in his left hand, which is more visible, a round wound, very clear in the carpus, which part of a trail of blood that radiates obliquely upward and right up to the ulnar margin of forearm ...

continue ...

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Mysora Mallige Blue Film

Essences and spray applications against negativity

As I promised here I approached a summary of the properties of the essences for magical purposes.

can be used to anoint candles, burners on concrete or spray stays as proposed in the post against negativity Spray

WARNING: Normally the essences that are NOT natural plant oils. If you want to apply on the body make sure you buy them in an appropriate and that the natural plant allergies are common and do not forget to DILUTE the pure plant oil in an oil catalyst: flax, olive or sweet almond.

In the case of aromatic essences purchased is not necessary to dilute in oil as they tend to come diluted in products or preservatives. The price may be a good reference. An aromatic never cost us more than 2 or 3 euros, while the natural oils of the most common plants like mint or rosemary start at 4 euros and go up to 10 euros in case of pure oil of roses, for example.

Before choosing a scent for a magical work is important to know two things:

1 .- Each essence has several properties and can be used for various uses magic.

2 .- For the same purpose you can use one or more different essences. Is in your power to create the combination that best fits your needs, so as to create a mixture that smell can appreciate.

Amber Essence

Improves general situations. Change
positive and negative energies.
To achieve serenity. Power
the attraction of the person we want and ensures their loyalty.
eliminates obstacles, friction, resentment and bitterness of the people with whom we live. Essence


To achieve inner balance.
harmonizes the inner and outer person balancing the complementary forces of Yin and Yang. Essence



Love Joy.
luck and money. Causes
dreams that release emotional tension of the unconscious.
Very useful for meditation.

Essence Awards

lily peace.
calms the pain of the breakup.
favors the conquest of maturity, allowing our mind to open to get the projects we have started. Essence

Benzoin Purification.
promotes trade and material prosperity.
stimulates entrepreneurial creativity.
Develops intellectual qualities. Increases understanding
Develop intuition. Help
emotional stability.
To defend against witchcraft and spells. Essence


Cleans and clears the air of negativity.
promotes spirituality. Returns
Favours control on your own life.
Attracts prosperity.
Good for business.
physical blockages. Essence

cinnamon aphrodisiac.
to cure.
Gives the body energy. Da
increases the ability to penetrate our psychic awareness.
To improve our economy.

Essence Lavender (lavender)

tranquilizer. Repels
depression. Aleja
stress and anxiety. Quiet
emotional violence and strengthens the right.
tones the nervous system.
promotes spiritual love. Grants
peace and happiness.
Protection. Purification
For clarity of ideas.
To be clear visualizations.
harmonizes the spiritual energy and produce balance.


Protection. Purification
environments where there have been arguments and physical fights.
promotes health.
accelerates the healing process.
To achieve success and prosperity. Essence

Purification incense.
Clean the environment of negative energies. Promotes and accelerates
meditative states.
connects us with high vibration. Grants
personal energy.
Perfect for worship rituals and evolution.

Essence of jasmine

attracts good luck in love.
attracts abundance.
relieves depression.
calms the nerves.
relaxes the body.
eliminates concerns about the future.
promotes self-esteem.
uplifting. Essence


Avoid loneliness.
very beneficial for achieving integration in social groups.
restores the connection between body and soul, awakening the true self.

Lilac Essence

Increase love. Purify
people and environments.
helps to be more flexible with yourself and with others.
Help us to be more tolerant. Essence


relieves stress and calms the nerves.
attracts joy. Stimulant
To maintain good health.
promotes positive energy. Essence


Meditation. Cleaning
people and places. Power
against the evil eye and witchcraft spells. Aleja
energy negative and evil spirits. Essence


Clean ritual (objects)
revitalizes the body and mind. Against
accelerates the healing of the body.
comforting when we have lost a loved one. Restores
concentration and memory. Essence


Against insomnia.
against stress. Returns
emotional balance.

Orange Essence Cleansing

attracts love. Draws
attracts money. Grants
physical energy. Good

Oregano Essence

Increases clarity of the subconscious.
helps relax tension and spiritual concerns. Pine Essence

Performing exorcisms. Enhance
business. Purify
people and environments. Essence


Protection. Cleaning
people and houses.
To enhance the magical properties.
enhance security in oneself.
against hatred and fear.
To get a relationship.
clarifies the mind. Increases
memory (great for reviews and studies). Essence


Aphrodisiac. Love

Relieves Sexual Problems women. Solve
psychological impotence of men.
inspires feelings of peace and happiness.
It helps us feel good in our body by eliminating doubts about our appearance and appeal.
To defuse domestic disputes. Essence


Protection in magical rituals.
Absorbs negative energies. Break
To defend against the evil eye, spells and black magic.
Increases mental control.


general stimulant. Da
strength and courage.
To maintain good health. Help
induces pleasant dreams. Evita

vanilla extract

revitalizes the body. Active
Very good physical exertion.

If you have any questions or want to share your recipes and mixtures to use this post!

Greetings. Tsaphiel

There Is A Bumb In My Cat Belly

I left you a simple recipe for cases of specific energy loads and help keep the house clean of unwanted things.
The spray is easy to make and cheap. First you have to go to China and buy a bottle of alcohol and an empty spray of cologne. Then in an Herbal or stores sold as natural and other crude oils burner (about 3 €) and the proportion is more or less than 10ml of oil per quart of alcohol. Then the use is easy, saves that spray simplemtente fence and use it as a "freshener" when the situation is tense or highly charged notes. As the rough
not have very good smell, also would be nice to buy some essence like lavender or rosemary, is calming the nervous system, and add to the mix to mask the smell of rue. Hope you

util.Tambien be used to house and car and everything that means cleaning energetic. Use them especially in the corners and you will see the difference!

Luck! Tsaphiel

How Should I Feel Before My Period

Many people head brings others to make ties, not only causing problems on the individual but also the whole family.

This is a minor ritual to break moorings. The majority of ties make the magic fans, so they are not very powerful.

For those who do not know, a mooring is to make love by someone against their will and often bring breaks , deception and even violence from a partner who "loves but does not know why"

extracted from my book of shadows. Any comments, hesitate to ask. Ritual

simple to be able to do without intermediaries, even the most novice ... Serves to break the tie and release the true sentiments of the person, but I notice that does not mean that you will return to you if I really loved, if he returns or feel his closeness is because it really can be something between you.

Breaks moorings should be preferably on a Tuesday ( days of the war), during the waning moon.

be conducted at night, where you do not interrupt and in a safe place to will have to leave lighted candles.


- A pink candle (emotions) a black candle (to burn it done) and orange candle (to acknowledge the success ). (Decor stores or herbalists, not Repay 10 euros for a candle, the wax comes from the same site ...)

- A photograph of the person, or else something that you have given or have personally written.

- pencil and paper

- Incense rude or dragon's blood (sold under that name, seek to herbalists) do not find any, buy natural wood incense. Neutral Incense (copal ) or sandalwood.

ritual begins on a table, place the candles in a triangle: the black top, pink and orange bottom right of the rose.
The triangle represents the energy canalizais , so the base are the feelings and gratitude.

Light the incense and its smoke blowing on the sails off and on the "witness" to possess the person (photos, gifts, clothes or whatever)

Leave the incense on, takes the paper and pencil and write the intentions you have with the ritual. BE HONEST WITH YOURSELF AND DO NOT WANT THE BAD TO WHOM DID THE MOORING or go out yourself injured.

Once you have it, put paper and witness in the center of the triangle of candles. Recalls not too close, do not be a disappointment.

Take a match and lights the black candle while saying:

"I turn on for you to release to (name of person) from the evil that you have caused. That back their freedom"

now goes to the pink candle while saying :

"will turn on before the whole world that my act is noble and pure. That this ritual will bring only peace and love"

now goes to the orange candle while saying:

"I turn to thank you all energies of the universe to hear me and come to my aid. " Turns

match and then say:

"That this ritual does not harm anyone or myself."

Let the candles completely consumed. Do not worry if one goes alone or if you have problems, means that it may not be the right time. Buy a piece of black tissue paper and wrapping all traces of wax and keep them along with the photo / witness and the statement of intent to the full moon. After discard wax burying or leaving in a natural, not throw the sea or river , paraffin wax candles are clean.

The ritual must begin to take effect after the next moon (about a month) If your energy can not be loud enough repeat the ritual every 3 months if the moon is waning.

I hope you find it useful.
Greetings and blessings.

****************************** ** Possible dates for the coming months:

Tuesday 16 September 2008
Tuesday September 23, 2008

Tuesday October 21, 2008

Tuesday November 18, 2008
Tuesday November 25, 2008

More front feature more if needed.

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Download Breaking Moorings Power Summon a Fairy magic

Download Magic Power, an action almost as important as knowing how to create it.
(Taken from my book of shadows.)

When a witch ponders all the energy that is around it begins to flow. During the ritual that power is concentrated, is taking shape and is sent to the place or the right person. upon completion of any action the sorcerer should get rid of the energy from the environment that does not belong, because even the purest can overload and make us feel bad in our daily lives.

The human being is like a battery that can not be overloaded because it fails. Many people are too full of magical power, either positive or negative.
There are hundreds of cleanings to remove negativity, but eliminating it altogether and lose the balance in ourselves can be much more dangerous to leave well enough alone ...

There are many methods for removing all magic power that we do not belong among the best known are:

1 - Place your hands against the ground after the ritual, displaying our power leaving the body and returning to nature. View as blends with the surroundings and disappear. Breathe from the abdomen until the tiredness euphoria or the ritual will disappear.

2 - If you have the opportunity to swim in a natural environment, ask the water element to purify you to leave your body and spirit are in balance and can return to your normal lifestyle.

Some people, at certain times, they feel too tired, tired and think they are failing at some task. In almost all cases this state is attributed to the negativity, but it may be otherwise: it is an excess of positive charge that this unbalance us. Our education tells us many times that "good is never over", but try to eat 40 chocolate cakes in a row ... that as much as you like is impossible to bear.

There are several ways to achieve improvement of the state of our energy. Some people balance their chakras through visualizations or Reiki, getting rid of the excess energy and increase where necessary. I will suggest this simple exercise:

Go to an area with plants, a park or garden, and put your hands on the roots a tree. Returns to land all the emotions that are not yours and you do not need, you'll notice the energy out of your body and you should go slowly relaxing ... A CO2
us kill us, but the plants make it into oxygen ... The plants do the same with terrestrial energies, using the positive and negative charges or a battery to make them neutral and does not harm anyone.
sure many habreis heard the expression "if you're sick, go and hug a tree"

No trees around? (Or at least find a place away from prying eyes?) In that case, take a stone, a pebble in the park or field. As in the other exercise, displays all the energy you have left over the stone while concentrating on the hold in both hands. When you throw the stone stable notes to a garden, a river or the sea to return to nature, where it belongs.

Anyone can do these exercises at any time you need, anywhere.

Let God guide you.

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Invoking a fairy to live in our home.
(This practice is personal, obtained during a guided visualization JESSICA texts MACBETH )

Fairies normally help the person who raises or find them if that person has a pure heart and clean reminding giving welfare or helping them improve their shortcomings.
This display is intended for those who have little knowledge of magic. If you have already experimented with faerie beings can extend its sole discretion.

Nature attracts fairies, and usually do not step so the cities, the cities are closer elves (more curious, I must say) One way to get it to come to the cities is approaching the nature to our home with plants, stones and fountains. But there is the belief that to be the most sensitive female figures and also love the mirrors (if you are devoted to them) and own pictures that make them human, whether sculptures, drawings, paintings or even shirts ...

What is the problem with all these things? As the problem is not to put any of these items fairies will come to them if they are enshrined and invoke and flames to come to your aid. Since I know that not everyone will know what I mean I make two quick definitions:
-consecrate is to spend an object, article, plant or whatever for a particular purpose and keep it solely for that purpose. An example, very donkey but hey, that is, our pans are "consecrated" to fry, and do not use anything else. When should devote a material object? Then when that object has different purposes, and we need to limit them. This visualization is to consecrate a figure or representation of a fairy. Your figure of the fairy could serve as a decoration, fairy summoner, community, or to leave it in the bedside table and hang the necklaces from the wings and use of hangers, but it is clear that you do not want it as a coat rack, right?

enshrine how that figure? it is as simple as devoting a special place, and treat a special figurine, with more love than if it were just a vase ... When we make an object to be "special" and treat it with love and differently from other objects, automatically we're spending for that purpose, although not a formal consecration.

now seems to be the most difficult: how do I invoke for them to stay next to the figure? Okay, okay, easy, no need to be a witch expert for this, ok? So step by step.

First things first: look for a natural area where nobody bothers you and you can go without breaking the figure: forest, garden, beach, cave, etc. After
sit on the floor and put the figure on your legs grasping with both hands.
The third step is to imagine that everything around you is becoming more and more light and visualize yourself in a big white bubbles and shiny. Your concentration is not even think you're doin 'the fool, he feels your breath and hear all the noises around you. Eventually you will notice that you yourself relaxed and be in contact with the earth and nature. Step Four
! : When you feel the intense relaxation and the feeling of being mentally make your request, for example, "light beings that come to your call and through that image to help accompany you in your daily life and in your home"
You can also sing, or compose a poem for this purpose.
When done start to notice as the object you have in your hands "change", you may have some strange feeling, do not panic, just be pointing out to know that you have heard. If you had your eyes closed is opened them slowly, and imagine the light as the bubble dissipates and integrated into the environment.
Surely when you look at the figure with new eyes really, look it's not the same, it is normal has changed, certainly since the time you have company. Can

who choose to invoke?
is clear that depending on the natural place to which you approach the tales you will hear one or the other. Choose the representation that best approximates the type of fairy you want to invoke.

For the rest, a fairy land with the projects will help pendientess, energy tranmit is fairly neutral, although preference will labor issues or land estudios.La represents fertility, projects bear fruit.

If I were a fairy of water will help with emotional issues, and a fairy of the wind, with spiritual issues, for sorcerers would be one of the best forests and trees, but these can only be invoked if they plant a tree to live . (otherwise, would leave soon.)

And last, but super important .. I extend much ... How do we not go?

For best and safest is to bring you a home ... If you go to the beach, fill a bottle with sand and put it in a clear vase with some quartz as a "gift" to the fairy to accompany you. If you in a garden or the forest or in the middle of the mountain, pick a few stones on the ground and when you get home put a pot with a plant that you like with your figure and pick put the stones on earth, as a mini-garden. I can assure you that while you take care of that plant, or go clean those crystals, the fairy who invoke you and be happy to see your dedication to care for her, she will take care of you ...

is nothing left but me and all this be a great help to the diamonds of these beings.

Any doubt in the process (or if anyone wants to ask for another type of fairy or figures) that you discuss it over here!

pd: the fairies are not as capricious not vindictive like us to believe in some stories ... Smiley

"Every time a child smiles, is born a Fairy"
My greetings. Tsaphiel

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syndrome "harrypotieresco"

Decades ago the elves, fairies and gnomes resurrected from oblivion of popular legends and went to the movies popularized among sectors that had never been interested in such things. the hand of Brian Froud and Allan Lee with "The Dark Crystal" or recognized as JRR Tolkien and the saga of "The Lord of the Rings" we see how the lives of generation 80's fans are full of fairies, unicorns and other fantasy creatures. The 90

would not be outdone: The series of Japanese animation (anime) began to invade televisions, creating interest in mythological themes that had been nearly buried by Disney Factory.
The bankruptcy of "the factory of ideas of smaller" gave way for the emergence of many other series, movies and creations opted mostly for teenage adventures in worlds of fantasy and magic.
Each age has ended up having his own fantasy world, from WITCH for children, to Harry Potter or Charmed for adolescents, while younger adults are bottling in the aftermath of the DragonLance and Dungeons and Dragons.

carried interests of everyday life.

All we know that if something gives money will be exploited to its ultimate consequences. Our shops and can see their shelves are filled with figurines, magic wand and "Books for the Teenage Witch" that have little to do with the knowledge that for centuries have been on the shelves of scholars and scholars .
Great Beings of our mythologies have been buried under stereotypes of youth, and our folklore modified to the desires of large companies little know how to respect the old traditions and cultures.

syndrome " Harrypotieresco "

syndrome " harrypotieresco " emerged in recent years to define those "devour " of this type of series, books and movies that are interested in the origins very little real of the texts they read. They are fans who have reached the point of believing that these stories have arisen from the fact that mixed terms, myths and fantasies no matter the consequences.

In recent years stores that specialize in mystical themes, esoteric and / or folkloric have been "de-specializing " in favor of a new fad that has nothing to contribute but they move large amounts of money.

What is the Danger?
The danger lies, as always, on misinformation .
Many of these people are happy in their ignorance and blindly believe that what they have seen or read may be true.
Many end up looking that reality in his own world just invented and moving energies should not, or disappointed because they believe that magic, fairies and elves do not exist in reality. Many others end up being fooled by cults taken advantage of their credulity.

Warlocks and witches who follow the old teachings now we invaded daily by people like that, misunderstood, they do not want to understand what the real responsibility of following a spiritual path. People you need to do to understand what can make in their lives to increase their mental power, in maturity to be attained in order to discern the extent to which a person must act in reality and that of others in order to continue his life as accurately as possible, and above all, getting in any medium, that are not so gullible to everything that comes to them only it appears in your favorite book or a television screen.

struggle for true culture and the highest ideals.
Strength, courage and confidence. Tsaphiel