:: Mariana Fossati:
First answered your comments on this blog for quite some time, then enter their sites where I met her creations, which are worth discovering, because they are high quality. Mariana
or Miss Leona is sociologist, and a great and original artist, work in several main ticonas mind in collage, how to create formidable if any.
His collages are of a technical degree and study very interesting situation, sticking out great advantage to each cropped image, to create new situations very convoluted at times. S.
Leone and some time to encourage you to answer 15 questions in the section Ask yourself, here are your answers:
1. Tell us your name and age? Mariana
Fossatti or Miss Leona, 29.
2. Where, how, when and why you became an artist?
I'm not sure how, when and where, but in part comes from family. My grandfather, Carlos Fossati, who never knew, was one of the artists of the Print Club. My mother, who is a skilled and creative craftsman, never stopped doing things: fabric, dolls, silkscreen, collage. I could always experiment and learn with her girl, although my "formal" education was not an artist. In 2007 I wanted to return to the collage that was pulled through adolescence and Cuevas Workshop YamandĂș http://www.flickr.com/photos/27409868 @ N04 / , a very open space where each one is running a little their training under the guidance of YamandĂș (that she also does collage, among other things). At that time I also opened a Flickr http://www.flickr.com/photos/srita-leona/ and a blog where I started up my work and so I became known in a small corner of the net as Miss Leone.
3. Why create art?
When I read the response from other artists, most say it is a necessity and I agree. Although I am not an artist full time, is the only of all the things I do is a real need, which has its own motor.
4. Worried about the significance of your work, you want fame and glory?
I'm interested in feedback recognition, especially if it comes from artists I'm interested peers. So far this mutual recognition occurs in the networks, Internet, and I is an essential motivation.
5. What is art for you?
Here I will give an average response bipolar. In principle, the art is what is accepted as art collectively (here I go with Bourdieu). Depends on rules and forms of legitimacy and of course those rules are linked to privileged positions. Who are socially privileged are those who better handle these rules, those who create and enforce them. It's a more creative activity, which functions as "Art" under these rules and has more hierarchy than others. But on the other hand, is a practice of transformation that gives us tools to question the world, not to accept it as given. Able to question art itself too with this constant question: what is art? I think that art has to question the world from the position of the operator (as an individual and as part of a group) and it is inexhaustible.
6. Do you breathe in something or someone to create?
In all that go through my head that's for sure, but in a very unconscious. There are things that catch my attention or to consciously choose the theme (that always fails), but I recognize the unconscious emerging post.
7. What is your process of creation?
On one side is the collection of images that feed the collage. Then start a game remix of these images, search, shipwrecks and findings until the process is heading. It is sometimes fast, sometimes slow and sometimes remains open, unfinished, or truncated. When I finish a collage is because I am satisfied to the last detail ... or because there is nothing you can do. As I would learn to draw, I am always scratching pad and sheets, which sometimes happened to the computer or mixed with collage. On the other side is the area of \u200b\u200bperformance, which I think is one of the hardest things in art, or at least for me it is. Develop a draft action art is easy for me and never leaves me completely happy, but I love, because the performance can be a very powerful process.
8. What materials do you like to use?
Pictures of all kinds, from grocery store booklets cuts throw me under the door until old magazines purchased any time at the show cuts through I find myself googling digital. I also enjoy painting with oils and drawing with pens and markers.
9. Is there a Uruguayan artist, or abroad, which interests you very much for your work at this time?
Uruguayan that I find irresistible: Juan Burgos and Alfalfa. Foreign investment
many, so I invite you to watch my favorite Flickr gallery http://www.flickr.com/photos/srita-leona/favorites/ in which to emphasize: http://
Felipunch Randy Mora www.flickr.com/photos/felilef/
http://www.flickr.com/photos/inca817 Inca Pan /
http://www.flickr.com/photos/blancahelga/ Blanca Helga Julien Pacaud
. Lafabe http://www. flickr.com / photos / lafabe /
10. "I create art generates pleasure or effort?
is an enjoyable effort.
11. Do you prefer to work alone in your "workshop", or with other colleagues in collective processes?
prefer both. Most of the time working alone, because it is the most common form of joint creation spaces between visual artists, but I love working at group when I can. I think the collaborative process itself often has value of work itself.
12. Are you exhibiting at this moment or going to state very soon, something to do somewhere?
I'm on the road campaign of Film with 40 participating artists who painted on posters of those who go in bus stops. But do not ask me what stop is mine, not yet found, anda rotating in Montevideo.
13. What do you do now?, You get to live in your artwork?
not live in my artwork. I am a sociologist and I am working and studying on the subject of Internet and new technologies.
14. Are you working or would like to work on a project for the future? In
collaborative art, we are starting a project with two friends and artists is to make Flickr a work intended as a starting point for reuse, recreate it and share it again as a new starting point possible, in a rhizome structure of infinity. Can anyone tell part artist and accept the rules, here is the link: http://www.flickr.com/groups/lagranobracolaborativadospuntocero/
Moreover, a project that is not art but involves the art is the creation of a cultural cultural 2.0 which develop training services, consultancy and research for artistic and cultural projects on the internet. Is under construction and is called Arctic. Born with the support of the Cultural Incubator Project Culture lived. We can visit here: http://www.articaonline.com/
15. (Bonus track, answer any of the following 3 or las3, or you want) - do you wish you ask? - What would you have liked to answer?
To the question "What is art?" I would like to respond as Gombrich: "no art, there are artists."
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