Thursday, January 6, 2011

Brown Spots On Stainless Steal Cutlery

: ExpoPuntaArte inaugurated 2011::

On Monday, January 3 with an excellent framework for the public, was launched in Punta del Este the third edition of the International Art Expo Fair, ART EXPOPUNTA .
This exhibition was conceived in 2008, and so far the only international art fair in the country, takes place in the School N.5 Lafone Samuel Alexander and Departmental Monument, located at 692 Avenue and 23 Street Gorlero , Punta del Este. This time
gathered around 80 national and international artists, from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Venezuela, Ukraine, Italy, Australia, Portugal, etc, in the disciplines of painting, sculpture, art glass, and ceramics from the author, in a room for large format and another for the small format.

PUNTA ART EXPO, turns exclusively on the need for independent artists, an exhibition space and marketing, to exhibit their work, linked to their thoughts, without ties, without intermediaries, supporting them in their vocation and a half of life. Enter
news and genres, ultimately, is launching an exhibition at the confluence of various art events.

ExpoPunta Art, will remain open during the hours from 11 to 14hs and 16 to 1 hr and up to February 28, 2011, at Av Gorlero 692 and Calle 23 Punta del Este - Uruguay


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