:: 37 interviews with Warhol in Spanish::
"If you want to know all of Andy Warhol , just stay on the surface." He said it himself, striking one of the interviews collected in a book just out in market Kenneth Goldsmith .
' Andy Warhol . Interviews (1962-1987) 'is a collection of Warhol cunning, always able to decipher the logic of capitalism and the media communication, explains Francisco Camero in the Journal of Sevilla. His contribution to the transformation of the work of art into a commodity, and its demolition of the image of the creator and custodian of a sacred fire as part of a legacy that goes beyond the scope of Art.
interviews published in English now Blackie Books were made in the 60, 70 and 80. Reveal all the efforts of Warhol to preserve its "mystery" perhaps because "people just glamorous when you do not see." "Just speak or tell things in interviews, the truth is that now I'm not saying anything."
Warhol did not have a high opinion of journalists, who "know what they mean to you, and know what you think about before you even talk to you, so just trying to confirm what we already have decided they will put ".
Much of his statements invite gauge the degree of self-consciousness with which Warhol was hiding behind the mask blank. She tried to work the register so banal that" the experience of reading quite a few of these interviews is banal fact, "according to the critic. In fact, one of the interviews more substantial the book, brings the paradox that "Questions are more challenging than most of the answers." Francisco Camero refers to the one made in 1984 Barry Blinderman , issue of Arts .
And the triumph of Andy Warhol was so resounding that much of the work we did the others. The blanks in his speech, deliberately vacuo, the completed journalists, critics and exegetes , which is offered with a passion to amplify and interpret the messages issued with inaudible little voice and gestures apathetic elusive oracle modernity. "Why do not tell me the answer and so will naturally my lips? "snapped on one occasion one of his hardworking partners. (SOURCE: Journal of Sevilla, 17/12/2010)
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