June 5, 1972 - June 5, 2010, nearly four decades in the fight ambientalisra
's been 38 years since the Stockholm conference, reunion which served as the foundation for the conformation of that tissue that ambioentalista Cadia is growing, reaching more people. A {
Many years of struggle, achievements, sorrows, joys, failures. Ambientalistasy educators have gained a significant experience, methods and techniques for addressing social and environmental Every contribution is important in lujcha for our planet, so badly beaten by natural and anthropogenic factors. Every day is necessary to provide inputs that involve greater or lesser extent a contribution to the spread of the serious environmental problems, in search of souciones or simply a call for reflection. This time
URU my students made their contribution to the diffusion of the celebration of World Environment Day, the university community, with posters that talk about creativity, relevance and responsibility, congratulations ...
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