Monday, May 31, 2010

Bloodwork Abnormalities In Hiv


Front left, rear view right

A new image because of the issue and come to the scientific theories on the Shroud of Turin. These days is the undisputed star of the alleged authenticity holds around and about the image of the face of Jesus, making him, in the possible Veronica mentioning the biblical texts.
amazing and puzzling thing of this picture is a representation of Christ alive and in which various scenarios loom its authenticity, the truth is that in recent detailed studies anthropomorphic made to the Shroud, the square of anthropological identification, gave an accurate surface analysis performed on the face of the Savannah, with scientists understand almost in a 90% chance, The Christ of Manoppello, as well as the canvas is called, is the same face shape and size composition that reflected in the Savannah, which opens up new aspects, theories and scientific possibilities on both relics, but doubt other way open to controversy.

The shrine that houses the relic, formerly known as "The mother of all icons", entrusted to the Capuchin, is in a small town (difficult to locate on the maps) of the Abruzzi, in the Apennines, about 200 kilometers from Rome.

The Holy Face is a veil of 17x24 inches. When the pilgrim approaches the veil, he discovers the image of a man who suffers from the blows of passion as Christ suffered.

SI Father Heinrich Pfeiffer, professor of iconography and history of Christian art in Rome's Pontifical Gregorian University, has studied for thirteen years the veil has been the first scientist to ensure that it is the veil of Veronica, who used to be guarded in the Vatican.

In the apocryphal Acts of Pilate (sixth century) speaks of a woman known by the name of Veronica, who wiped his face with a veil of Christ on the Cross.

Despite these uncertain sources, who are already in the century IV, according to Father Pfeiffer notes, German, history of the Veil of Veronica is present throughout the centuries in the Catholic tradition. In his film "Jesus of Nazareth", the film includes the director Franco Zeffirelli.

To celebrate the first Holy Year in history, in 1300, the Veil of Veronica became one of the "Mirabilia Urbis" (wonders of the city of Rome) for pilgrims could visit the Basilica St. Peter in the Vatican.

is confirmed by the greatest poet in the history of Italy, Dante Alighieri (1265-1321), singing XXXI of "Paradise " (lines 103-111) in the " Divine Comedy."

Traces of Veronica's veil were lost in subsequent years, the Holy Year 1600, when the veil was found in Manoppello.

Historical Studies cited by the father Pfeiffer, due to restructuring the Basilica of St. Peter by Pope Paul V (1605-1621), in 1608 struck the chapel in which guarded and it is likely that this time the relic was stolen.

In 1618, Vatican archivist Giacomo Grimaldi made a list of objects from the ancient Basilica of San Pedro, where he speaks of the shrine guarding the Veil, specifying that the windows were broken.

Pfeiffer's father explains that the veil of Manoppello in the bottom, you can still see a small fragment Previous glass reliquary, which demonstrates their origin from the Vatican.

According to the "Historic Relationship," written in 1646 by the Capuchin priest Donato da Bomba, in 1608 a woman, Marzia Leonelli, to get her husband out of jail, sold for 400 shields the Veil of Veronica , he had received as dowry, Donato Antonio de Fabritiis.

Since the relic was not in good condition, Fabritiis in 1638 gave parents Capuchin Manoppello.

Fray Remigio da Rapino cut edges of the veil and placed it between two frames of walnut. Frames and glass are today still retain the veil in Manoppello.

This relationship, which no other historical evidence, diverging from the reconstruction of the Father Pfeiffer, telling the popular story of the arrival of the icon to the Abruzzi, in the hands of a pilgrim, in 1506. Until 1638, the icon would have passed through several hands. With the creation of this legend, say some researchers, could have tried to hide the theft of the Vatican.

Professor Donato Vittori of the University of Bari, reviewed the veil in 1997 with ultraviolet rays and discovered that the fibers have no pigmentation. By observing the relic with a microscope is found to not paint and that is not woven with colored fibers.

Through sophisticated digital techniques, it has been shown that the image is identical on both sides of the veil, like a slide.

The Pascalis Blandina iconographer Shlöemer has shown that the image of the Shroud of Turin is perfectly superimposed to the Holy Face of Manoppello (with more than ten points reference).


Saturday, May 22, 2010

Sallys Glue In Extentions

May 22 International Day of Biodiversity

URU celebrate this week in the International Biodiversity Day, with discussions in class about the meaning and importance of both biological diversity and of the implications of the holding of a special day. In addition to a group of students were developed and colñocaron posters related to the subject, in the bond BIODIVERSITY presents a Miestro of them in the halls of the university, to remind us that if we do well enough we humans will be in danger

Monday, May 17, 2010

Long Dong Silver Pirate Costume


A coroner defends the theory that Jesus survived the crucifixion and led the expansion of Christianity, but living with serious consequences, with his apostles.
Coroner Dr. Miguel Lorente so it remains " The hand of the preacher" (Aguilar), which takes a scientific analysis of their injuries to support this thesis.
Coroners and forensic specialist, is CEO of Governance for violence, Miguel Lorente Acosta (Seron, Almeria, 1962) is a doctor of medicine and Surgery, with honors, medical examiner since 1988, associate professor of Legal Medicine, University of Granada and a member of the Royal Academy of Medicine and Surgery of the city. A pioneer in research on gender violence, an area which is an internationally recognized specialist.

Dr. Lorente's work have been awarded, among others, by the Medical College of Granada and Jaen, and the Royal Academy of Medicine and Surgery of Granada. In 1999 he was Progressive Women Award. He has been technical advisor for the Congress-Senate Joint Committee on Violence against Women and the Organization expert World Health Assembly on violence against women and sexual assault. He was awarded the Medal of Andalusia in 2002. He is also author of the famous book 'My husband beats me normal. " His latest book, 'The puzzle. Anatomy of the perpetrator ', includes a foreword by Iñaki Gabilondo . Dr. Lorente, based and supports its analysis and research in the first portrait of Jesus "The Pantocrator of Sinai", in which he appears with his right hand in sign and gesture of blessing, with the index and middle fingers semiflexed.
"It is difficult for the overall picture depicting Jesus with a series of sequels, has been invented by an author several centuries later, without having a direct reference to how he was after survival, because no recent injuries, but old. "
These quotes several sequels of the crucifixion as the hand of preacher, scars that appear on the shroud with which she covered in the grave and the absence of nails on the hands.
Lorente, the painter of this painting, dated between the fourth and sixth centuries, "has an image linked to injuries, because someone or something is conveyed that idea, it would be very difficult to have invented the expression "caused by the crucifixion, "Had to have a direct transmission of what was Jesus in that period."
Remember that the canvas appeared on a monastery sacred to three religions-Judaism, Islam and Christianity, and could stay there for these references.
"There are objective factors that indicate the survival of Jesus in the Shroud or art, with the peculiar way of presenting a gesture that has remained over time, both in art and in the liturgy" he says.
With his previous book "42 days. Forensic analysis of the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ" surprised Lorente with the theory that Jesus did not die on the cross and was resurrected. Suggests that regained its respiratory mechanism, returning to life in a process of biological resuscitation. "
For this new book begins there, for hours after the crucifixion and the analysis of that period, which coincided with the spread of Christianity, until he died, probably surrounded by his disciples, who fired a man "bent by the aftermath and the problems he suffered during that time."
"It could take years, but as forensic data not find one tell me how many, but it is true that he had a life full of sequels, could hardly walk or move easily, have trouble breathing in the aftermath of the spear, but could have all the brilliance and significance of the figure of Jesus, "he explains.
The author does not want to provoke a confrontation with the Catholic Church, a religion with which he claims to be identified, but to show its evidence forensic training can perceive.
"I come to conclusions that can be discussed scientifically, but never seek to attack or question anything, the tone of the book is that, what I do is share to be integrated in a broader context, "said Lorenz, who believes that" if this is the product of a miracle, then perfect, I will not question anything. "
With the book, Lorente wants to publish his thesis," but not with the intention of modifying the great dogmas, but with the intention of making a belief something closer and more human. "

Dr. Miguel Lorente

SINAI the Pantocrator :

The Pantocrator Santa Catalina is an icon that is located in the Santa Catalina Monastery in Sinai (Egypt ).

images Christ ancient Greco-Byzantine area, which depict him as the King, victorious, powerful and triumphant, with the Greek name of the Pantocrator, which means this: the King.

The monastery of Santa Catalina has the most famous icon of the Pantocrator, painted in the sixth century. It is particularly striking similarity between this icon and the face of Shroud of Turin, suggesting that the former was painted along the lines of the second. It is the world's most famous icon orthodox, together with The Virgin of Vladimir , and served as a model for generations of artists and Orthodox Byzantine canonical image of Christ. Source Wikipedia

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