of supernatural origin
Peter said that Jesus was the Son of the living God. Matthew 16:16.
fulfilling prophecy for all followers of all time, the new birth of the Holy Spirit those who experience it feel a new creature, living seeking to serve God changed his heart and mind, live by the spirit.
miracles and healings. Gospels.
dreams and prophetic visions of God's people. Interpretation of Joseph in Egypt, Jacob and the ladder reaching to heaven and the angels ascending and descending, dreams of Joseph the husband of Mary to deliver the baby Jesus, the vision to Ananias to open our eyes to Paul.
Destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. Genesis.
of historical
The sin of man. The Lord, speaking prophetically announced to Adam that the day seizure of the tree of knowledge of good and evil will die, the serpent gave the interpretation that suited him, that would not die physically at that time. The man did not obey God, and God speaks to man's spirit, and since that day, Adam and Eve, man and his soul , no longer sought his relationship with God, and before eating of that tree, the devil beat the man from that day, and until he does not change his mind, and repent for their soul again to feel love for God, there comes new birth of the Spirit, dying to our old man to let our mind, this may be taught by God and not nurtured by a code that enslaves and kills.
The Flood. Posted by God to Noah.
Birth of Isaac. Sara Abraham announced in his old age.
The Plagues of Egypt by Moses announced to Pharaoh.
Arriving in the promised land and the fall of Jericho if we obey God. Joshua 6.
the great prophet Samuel had to seek the king who wanted the people who despised the Lord as king and him as a prophet. Anointed Saul to disobey God and who is to relieve from office for failing to live the king of the enemy after killing all those people, then to David as a special leader of his people, Christ is called son of David. He is the voice of God during the reign of Israel's most important historical. Samuel 1 and 2. Daria
His laws in our minds and our hearts would write. Jeremiah 31:33.
The four beasts of Daniel are the four great empires, Babylonian, Medo-Persian, Greek and Roman, which is the Vatican. Which followed, and it is remarkable accuracy over life and death of Alexander the Great, described his death as a human hand, as in history occurred when he died from the bite of an insect.
destruction of Tyre at the hands of Alexander the Great in Zechariah 9:3.
Return of Israel to their land prophesied by Hosea. Accomplished in 1948.
Resurrection of Christ prophesied in Hosea 6:2.
prophecy about the Messiah who comes to earth in Isaiah 9:6 fulfilled.
John the Baptist announces the coming of the Messiah, the anointed. Matthew 3.
1 st coming of the Son of God, Gospels, and the hearts and souls of every Christian today has been born again by his personal relationship with Him because He lives.
Jesus came riding on a foal of a donkey in Zechariah 9:9, Luke 19:35.
Destruction of the Temple in 70 AD according to the history books (The War of the Jews) by Flavius \u200b\u200bJosephus, in fulfillment of the prophecy of Christ in Matthew 24. Gallus troops came governor of Syria, (just like today, Syria is the destruction of Jerusalem?), Who 33 years after Christ at 66, seeing the situation of Jewish rebels by their determination to leave the Roman yoke , fought with determination. The revolt began in 67 and finished at 73, 70 destroyed the temple. The futuristic interpretation is a vision in which we are in week 70 and half of it will appear the antichrist, but we will study this and other interpretations.
First and Second World Wars, not to mention the Crusades, the wars in every country in the world.
300 prophecies about the Messiah fulfilled in Jesus Christ, compiled in the Bible. ... What is written about me has compliance ... Luke 22:37,38.
universal flood, opening of the Red Sea Moses, parting of the Jordan, earthquakes, floods, hail, hurricanes.
HOME scientific, humanitarian and HEALTH, DISEASES AND PESTS
Science has increased, humanity has suffered plagues, famines, plagues, wars.
In these centuries man has used the mind to enhance your party animal and has deteriorated in a declining civilization in which raw economic gain and political power to gain control. No matter the suffering, which could have been rescued, instead of investing so many millions of dollars in weapons, political campaigns, space research, laws, etc.
racism and hatred ethical the Nazi Holocaust.
The love of many has grown cold. Divorce, childcare, elderly being abandoned. Alcoholism, drugs are prevalent. Depression, stress the need to meet certain fees imposed by society, that for those in the developed world, of course.
Propagation of the Gospel to all nations. Met and in compliance. The Bible Societies worldwide have made a translation job at the global level, churches, missionaries and apostles over the two millennia have been the architects of the fulfillment of this prophecy, now available media, books, radio, satellite TV, Internet, there is no excuse for not coming to the Gospel.
Persecution of the church. Accomplished and compliance and be fulfilled. The death of the martyrs of Jesus, children 2 years of Roman persecution, Christians thrown to the lions in the Roman circus, the Inquisition that burned those who did not submit to his papacy, the missionaries in 2000 years has been killed, imprisoned and tortured in countries such as China, Russia and Islamic countries, but the worst is when you've been and what countries are to be Christians by another branch of Christianity.
Christ Preaching Messianic Jews and accomplished performance. Romans 11:11. Hebrews 8:9.
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