Tuesday, May 12, 2009

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Dear Readers:
Certainly what then will read a summary of how many pages and writings exist across the network in the world regarding the criteria that make the shares I own meanings of the prophecies.
Verbs swollen with controversy, and criteria for and against certain, each of them containing the same basis, the right to possession of the truth ...
person nor am I do not intend to enter into debate or controversy, not to criticize or analyze each of the senses and analysis and provide the same or give, but if I want to express my concern about those voices that justified or no, proclaim and the maturity of the times for the old.
The truth of consciousness, is a difficult balance to achieve, listening to ourselves and act out our sense of reality is more cruel fighting there, extinguish the possibility of free to our conscience, repressing the logical sense of natural knowledge which has been granted. Lao Tse
said, the biggest enemy is not known or known, but within us is the self, self, what matters is not knowing how to be friend of foe, or had, but to understand and freedom to our own truth, being ourselves the greatest challenge that exists ...
Certainly, there is a change or an imperative in the global consciousness of each one of us, we certainly need access to the truth to which we cling to, certainly, and perhaps each of the disputes and controversies that this phenomenon arises, is a voice raised high to the changes that are or are essentially needed ... Indeed who is possessed of prophetic truth ???...
Anyway, I leave this extract of dispute or truths that kindly walk on the network and from my personal opinion should open a discussion of reflection in each one of us, trying to understand the importance of Christ and its manifestation about the truth of man ...
sources / texts collected:

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Pedro on the destruction of the planet. 2 Peter 3:10 and Isaiah 34:4.

New heavens and new earth.

of historical

The story is over, begins eternity. ... That time would not be more ... Revelation. 10:6.


Paradise of God established, so the deterioration of the building. Revelation 21.


No, science has taught us the Lord continuously and in person.


Judgement Day. Revelation 20:12.

holiness prevails, we are like the angels of the Lord, are the bride at the wedding of Son of God, reigning with Christ for eternity.


love and happiness fills our souls and our spirits, our hearts. Cantares 8:6.


about returning parents to children and their parents. Standing in Christ there is neither Jew nor Gentile. Colossians 3:11.


A personal relationship with God embraced Him for eternity, is our pastor, husband, friend and protector.

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of supernatural origin

2 nd coming of the Son of God in his kingdom, Matthew 24.

... pour out my Spirit on all flesh and your sons will prophesy and your daughters, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions ... Joel 2:28. It is the hope for those who turn away from the church and those in pagan religions.

The Apocalypse

again in Matthew 24 and see 1 Thessalonians 4:13.

Joel and the valley of Jehoshaphat where God will come to trial with all nations 3:2. Armageddon symbolizes. Zion is the place from which the Lord will reign. Zechariah 8.

Zechariah also speaks of Armageddon, but the first part is fulfilled in 70 AD in the Cap. 14 ... because I will gather all nations against Jerusalem to battle; ... ... Then Yahweh will go and fight against those nations, as He fights in the day of battle. And his feet shall stand in that day upon the Mount of Olives, which faces Jerusalem on the east, and the Mount of Olives shall cleave in two, from east to west, forming a great valley; and half the mountain shall remove toward the north and half moving south. (Is a cross-shaped valley, a valley to each of the four cardinal points). ver.3.

The rapture of the church, or kidnapping. 1 Thessalonians 4:13.

Christ's coming in the clouds and every eye will see Him, to establish the Kingdom of God. Revelation 1:7.

of historical

Revelation ... The seven churches, seven seals, seven trumpets, seven bowls, the four horses, the trumpet, the fall of Babylon, the millennium, the new Jerusalem, the second coming of Christ in glory.

The last time: Isaiah 2:2, Daniel 12:9, Micah 4:1, Acts 2:17, 2 Timothy 3:1, 2 Peter 3:3.

Armageddon, what causes it, what is where, why, when?, characteristics. Zechariah 12:2, Revelation 16:16.

Destruction of Damascus Isaiah 17:1, Jeremiah 49:23, Amos 1:3 to 5 specifies that the three times it has attacked Syria has not fallen and will be in the fourth, Zechariah 9 " seems imminent. "

The 1000 years of Revelation 20.

42 months or 3.5 years, half of the week. Revelation 11:2.

The 2300 evening and mornings of Daniel 8:14.

week number 70 of the prophecy of Daniel, we are in it now or do you agree with Israel that the antichrist a period of peace that will break half of the week?

Restoration of Jerusalem in Zechariah 8.


Time of earthquakes and volcanoes. You need only visit the observatory and see the progression.

Meteorites and comets that are happening each year closer to his neck.

Others, like the previous block.


As they are being met, as described in the preceding paragraph, the second on Prophecies in compliance are met and those which are described in Revelation.


Romans 1 character of sinful nature of men in the last days.

secular character of Western governments, against everything Christian is joined to the rest of civilizations that are antichrist, a global world that wants to eradicate the Gospel, a world ruled by one who tempted Jesus in the desert offering the kingdom of this world, which Christ did not agree, because his kingdom is eternal and universal.

Red Cross abandons the cross for a diamond to not "offend" other religions, and no ads to remove it from pharmacies and hospitals. Those despise Christ.


Malachi 4 on parents to return children and their parents. Stage 2 with the rest of Israel to become.


Almost Like in the previous block:

Preaching of Yahshua, Jesus Christ by the Messianic ... Today rapidly growing faith and with many rabbis converted to the Messiah.

Apostasy of many Christians away from God is seduced by the meat, money, power, etc. ... 3Nadie deceive you in any way, it will not come unless the apostasy comes first, and man of sin revealed, the son of perdition, who opposes and 4The stands against everything that is called God or is worshiped , so that he sitteth in the temple of God, proclaiming himself to be God. .. 2Thessalonians 2:3. Is the Antichrist?

Matthew 24 destruction of the temple and Jerusalem met and in compliance. The temple remains destroyed, the temple of the soul of those who fall away too.

The imposition of dictatorial regimes religious and laity.

sects have proliferated more than ever: Witnesses, Mormons, Scientologists, Adventists, etc..

The deception even within Christianity by the leaders of many branches to preach their own doctrine and discriminate against those who do not submit to them.

Persecution of the church. Accomplished and compliance and met.

Preaching the Gospel to all nations and Bibles in all languages, but still completed in compliance.

"Third Temple in Jerusalem? to ensure compliance with the restoration of sacrifice and its cessation and feel "the antichrist?

The battle of Armageddon. Revelation 16:16. Is preparing a war against Israel by all nations, but first will give the beast a covenant of peace will accept.

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of supernatural origin

Pentecost outpouring of the Spirit. As in the first century, today the Holy Spirit descends upon those who believe in Christ as their savior and are baptized into Him Acts 2.

Back in a state of Sodom and Gomorrah before a second and destruction from above which we see as the big disasters like the tsunami in Indonesia, vacation havens where they are committed reprehensible acts in the child sex trade.

Miracles and healings are taking place between the people of God, because ... Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today and forever ... Hebrews 13:8.

The prophetic dreams and visions the people of God. Similarly today the people of God still has dreams and visions that show the will of God and what He asks. ... Pour out my Spirit on all flesh and your sons shall prophesy and your daughters, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions ... Joel 2:28. It is the hope for the collapse of the church and pagan religions.

Antichrist 1John 4. His coming, his character in our day and before. Its action in the prophecies. 666

the mark of the beast. Stage 6 of the human spirit. Stage 6 of the human soul. Stage 6 of the male body. The beast is society, completion affects everyone, those who believe in it and act accordingly, are what is stamped on their foreheads / minds and in their hands / actions. Revelation 13:18.

of historical

War, ethnic conflicts fueled by countries and groups seeking the sale of arms and natural resources without caring people will view them without mercy, as they did.

The beast, the global society of consumption and political power, the creation of Europe, where no one can agree but if they share the economy shows the character of the society concerned, globalization, war for energy resources and free and competitive market ... the poor always ye have with you. Christ said.

Iraq The fall of Babylon, the Roman church are becoming less loyal, new generations not connect with it, and Israel is always in conflict, no peace, nor know the Messiah until they say ... 39Porque I say that from now on will not see me until you say: Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord ... Matthew 23, and the entire religious system that is set apart from the Gospel or adultery, as mentioned above.

Isaiah 17 brings the prophecy of Damascus that it would stop being a city, to be discharged, but the events are inconclusive, Syria is accused by Israel, U.S. and other countries of being the cradle of Islamic terrorism against Israel. An attack on Damascus has yet to happen.

Daniel about 70 weeks, in which we see different interpretations regarding the week # 70 whether or not fulfilled. However the 70 weeks are weeks of years, as the law of God. Fulfilled the first 7 weeks when the order was given to rebuild Jerusalem by Artaxerxes I temple at the request of the priest Ezra, 62 weeks of 7 years following when the Messiah was crucified. The last week beginning 70 years after the Messiah, and the text says that in the middle, ie at age 35 will be destroyed the temple and the city, which added to the 33 CE Christ is 68 years old when he gave the order to attack Jerusalem by the Romans, which culminated in its destruction in 70 and the war to 72. Is it the last week of 7 years and half of 3.5 years, equal to 1290 days or 42 months of reference of Revelation, which is the time of the ministry of Christ who was crucified in the middle of the week? Is prophecy is fulfilled or missing and half of 35 symbols in Rome has power still, perhaps spiritual about Jerusalem and may fulfilled when Israel is attacked again by the northern kingdom of Syria? Daniel 9:20.

Apocalypse ... The seven churches, seven seals, seven trumpets, seven bowls, the four horses, the trumpet, the fall of Babylon, the millennium, the new Jerusalem, the second coming of Christ in glory.

The last time: Isaiah 2:2, Daniel 12:9, Micah 4:1, Acts 2:17, 2 Timothy 3:1, 2 Peter 3:3.

A of the 300 other prophecies, the Messiah is alive and interacting with millions of us, Jesus Christ. ... What is written about me has compliance ... Luke 22:37,38.


Time of earthquakes and volcanoes. You need only visit the observatory and see the progression.

Meteorites and comets that are happening each year closer to his neck.

deteriorating ozone layer and the sun burns men, skin cancer.

more fires than ever, forests destroyed, or consumed by the use of wood for paper, pulp, furniture, etc. There is no time to replace forests, the planet will not recover from his lungs. Air quality is not what it was.

... I will show wonders in heaven above and signs on the earth, blood and fire and billows of smoke, 20 The sun shall be turned to darkness and the moon to blood before the coming of the Lord's day, large and clear, 21 And whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. Acts 2:16. Factory chimneys that spew chemicals that cause acid rain that waters our food. Consume oxygen and create the greenhouse effect.

Consumed 90% of the world's fish. Just released.

Drought is the biggest in history and in progress, due to global warming, the glaciers melt, is therefore increased by hurricanes, tsunamis etc, as we seeing in the last decade. HOME


AIDS continues to tire out the planet with millions of deaths each year.

H5N1 avian flu has mutated in humans and has just started to spread among people as I write these lines.

hunger and poverty ... the poor always ye have with you ... John 12:8 prophecy fulfilled during the next 2000 years after Christ and in force.

And knowledge shall be increased ... Daniel 12:4. Darwin and evolution, Copernicus, Galileo, Newton, Einstein and the theory of relativity Stephen Hawkin and the universe. Fleming and penicillin, antibiotics, vaccines, surgery, DNA, embryonic stem cell research, cloning, among other discoveries.

Revelation 13:18 666 is also scientific considering implanting chips in humans, the use of chips in credit cards, the bar code with three bars that house 6 figures between them. What does Revelation 13 is that you do not have the mark can not buy or sell. Judge then.


... in the last days perilous times shall come. 2For there lovers of their own men selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3sin natural affection, implacable, slanderers, cruel, haters of good, 4traidores, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than God, 5que a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away. 2 Timothy 3:1.

Idolatry promoted by the Vatican, the other religions that use images and statues. Spiritual adultery, read it in Romans 1. Abortion

free. Horoscope

, divination, magic.

Pornography, adultery, sex and pedophilia.

gay marriages and adoption of children by this group under sin. Gays in the clergy, and the scandals of the Vatican due to the false doctrine of mandatory celibacy: to compare with the Bible in 1 Timothy 3:1 ... 1Palabra true: If a man desires a bishop, desires a good work. 2Pero is necessary that the bishop be blameless, the husband of one wife , sober, prudent, respectable, hospitable, apt to teach; 3NO given to wine, no striker, not greedy of filthy lucre, but gentle, not greedy; 4que his own family well, having his children in subjection with all gravity; 5 (If anyone does not know how to rule his own house, how shall he take care of the church of God?) 6 Not a novice, lest he become conceited and fall into the condemnation of the devil. 7También you must have good testimony from outside, lest he fall into reproach and the snare of the devil.

human cloning, human embryos for therapeutic uses, kill one to save another: ... the wicked shall do wickedly ... The legalized murder by the new company.



The lack of respect between people.

racism. Children

violent and disobedient to parents.

Lack of brotherly affection between the brothers in the church. Malachi

about returning parents to children and their parents. Stage 1 with the Messianic.


Preaching of Yahshua, Jesus Christ and the Messianic ... Today rapidly growing faith and with many rabbis converted to the Messiah.

Apostasy of many Christians away from God is seduced by the meat, money, power, etc. ... 3Nadie deceive you in any way, it will not come unless the apostasy comes first and they show the man of sin, the son of perdition, who opposes and 4The stands against everything that is called God or is worshiped, so that he sits in the temple of God, proclaiming himself to be God ... 2Thessalonians 2:3.

Matthew 24 destruction of the temple and Jerusalem met and in compliance. The temple remains destroyed, the temple of the soul of those who fall away too.

The imposition of dictatorial regimes antichrist religious and laity.

sects have proliferated more than ever: Witnesses, Mormons, science logy, Adventists, etc..

The deception even within of Christianity by the leaders of many branches to preach their own doctrine and discriminate against those who do not submit to them and profit.

Persecution of the church. Accomplished and compliance and be fulfilled.

Preaching the Gospel to all nations and with Bibles in all languages, but still completed in compliance.

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Prophets and Prophecies

of supernatural origin

Peter said that Jesus was the Son of the living God. Matthew 16:16.

fulfilling prophecy for all followers of all time, the new birth of the Holy Spirit those who experience it feel a new creature, living seeking to serve God changed his heart and mind, live by the spirit.

miracles and healings. Gospels.

dreams and prophetic visions of God's people. Interpretation of Joseph in Egypt, Jacob and the ladder reaching to heaven and the angels ascending and descending, dreams of Joseph the husband of Mary to deliver the baby Jesus, the vision to Ananias to open our eyes to Paul.

Destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. Genesis.

of historical

The sin of man. The Lord, speaking prophetically announced to Adam that the day seizure of the tree of knowledge of good and evil will die, the serpent gave the interpretation that suited him, that would not die physically at that time. The man did not obey God, and God speaks to man's spirit, and since that day, Adam and Eve, man and his soul , no longer sought his relationship with God, and before eating of that tree, the devil beat the man from that day, and until he does not change his mind, and repent for their soul again to feel love for God, there comes new birth of the Spirit, dying to our old man to let our mind, this may be taught by God and not nurtured by a code that enslaves and kills.

The Flood. Posted by God to Noah.

Birth of Isaac. Sara Abraham announced in his old age.

The Plagues of Egypt by Moses announced to Pharaoh.

Arriving in the promised land and the fall of Jericho if we obey God. Joshua 6.

the great prophet Samuel had to seek the king who wanted the people who despised the Lord as king and him as a prophet. Anointed Saul to disobey God and who is to relieve from office for failing to live the king of the enemy after killing all those people, then to David as a special leader of his people, Christ is called son of David. He is the voice of God during the reign of Israel's most important historical. Samuel 1 and 2. Daria

His laws in our minds and our hearts would write. Jeremiah 31:33.

The four beasts of Daniel are the four great empires, Babylonian, Medo-Persian, Greek and Roman, which is the Vatican. Which followed, and it is remarkable accuracy over life and death of Alexander the Great, described his death as a human hand, as in history occurred when he died from the bite of an insect.

destruction of Tyre at the hands of Alexander the Great in Zechariah 9:3.

Return of Israel to their land prophesied by Hosea. Accomplished in 1948.

Resurrection of Christ prophesied in Hosea 6:2.

prophecy about the Messiah who comes to earth in Isaiah 9:6 fulfilled.

John the Baptist announces the coming of the Messiah, the anointed. Matthew 3.

1 st coming of the Son of God, Gospels, and the hearts and souls of every Christian today has been born again by his personal relationship with Him because He lives.

Jesus came riding on a foal of a donkey in Zechariah 9:9, Luke 19:35.

Destruction of the Temple in 70 AD according to the history books (The War of the Jews) by Flavius \u200b\u200bJosephus, in fulfillment of the prophecy of Christ in Matthew 24. Gallus troops came governor of Syria, (just like today, Syria is the destruction of Jerusalem?), Who 33 years after Christ at 66, seeing the situation of Jewish rebels by their determination to leave the Roman yoke , fought with determination. The revolt began in 67 and finished at 73, 70 destroyed the temple. The futuristic interpretation is a vision in which we are in week 70 and half of it will appear the antichrist, but we will study this and other interpretations.

First and Second World Wars, not to mention the Crusades, the wars in every country in the world.

300 prophecies about the Messiah fulfilled in Jesus Christ, compiled in the Bible. ... What is written about me has compliance ... Luke 22:37,38.


universal flood, opening of the Red Sea Moses, parting of the Jordan, earthquakes, floods, hail, hurricanes.

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Science has increased, humanity has suffered plagues, famines, plagues, wars.


In these centuries man has used the mind to enhance your party animal and has deteriorated in a declining civilization in which raw economic gain and political power to gain control. No matter the suffering, which could have been rescued, instead of investing so many millions of dollars in weapons, political campaigns, space research, laws, etc.

racism and hatred ethical the Nazi Holocaust.


The love of many has grown cold. Divorce, childcare, elderly being abandoned. Alcoholism, drugs are prevalent. Depression, stress the need to meet certain fees imposed by society, that for those in the developed world, of course.


Propagation of the Gospel to all nations. Met and in compliance. The Bible Societies worldwide have made a translation job at the global level, churches, missionaries and apostles over the two millennia have been the architects of the fulfillment of this prophecy, now available media, books, radio, satellite TV, Internet, there is no excuse for not coming to the Gospel.

Persecution of the church. Accomplished and compliance and be fulfilled. The death of the martyrs of Jesus, children 2 years of Roman persecution, Christians thrown to the lions in the Roman circus, the Inquisition that burned those who did not submit to his papacy, the missionaries in 2000 years has been killed, imprisoned and tortured in countries such as China, Russia and Islamic countries, but the worst is when you've been and what countries are to be Christians by another branch of Christianity.

Christ Preaching Messianic Jews and accomplished performance. Romans 11:11. Hebrews 8:9.