Friday, August 29, 2008

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polytrauma person

Report by: Dr. Rubén Darío
Camargo Rubio
Internal Medicine - Critical Care
Barranquilla, Colombia


medical studies that attempt to explain the cause of the death of Jesus Christ, taking as reference a body of literature and not a physical body. Publications on medical aspects of death reported since the first century

Today, based on knowledge of the pathophysiology of trauma patient, you can get to infer the physiological changes suffered and endured by Jesus during his passion and death.

Bible Stories the crucifixion described by the Gospels and scientific documentation about it, describe who suffered and suffered the cruelest of punishments, the most inhuman and ruthless dealings can receive a human.

archaeological discoveries related to the Roman practice of crucifixion. Provide valuable information that gives real force to the historical figure of Jesus, and his real presence in human history.

Historically, this event is initiated during the celebration of Passover in the year 30 AD. The Last Supper was held on Thursday 7 April (Nisan 13). The crucifixion takes place on 8 April (Nisan 14). The years of birth and death of Jesus remain in dispute.

Garden of Olives (Gethsemane)

sacred writers describe prayer of Gethsemane with energetic expressions. I lived for Jesus before being taken prisoner, he is referred as an indescribable mixture of sadness, terror, boredom and weakness. This sentence expresses a moral that has reached the highest level of intensity.

Such was the degree of moral suffering, he presented as somatic manifestation, physical "sweat blood" (HEMATIHIDROSIS O HEMOHIDROSIS). "sweat of blood that covered his entire body and ran in great drops to the ground." Lk 22, 43

unusual case in medical practice. Submitted is associated with blood disorders, Physiologically is due to capillary vascular congestion and hemorrhages in the sweat glands. The skin becomes fragile and tender.

After this first situation caused by intense anxiety. Undergoes a fast that will last all night, during the trial, and will persist until his crucifixion.

continued ... Jyhael


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