Saturday, March 10, 2007

37 Weeks Pregnant And Herpes

003: Magic against religion?

The interminable question of magic-religion. Does the magic
denies faith in a God or a religion?

Without Fe man is nothing.
Whether you are a god in a person, in itself, or 20 gods ... We all need to believe.

Magic, without faith, it is nothing ... What we would do something if we do not believe in what we are doing?
Magic and faith go hand in hand. If we believe, certainly not find any results.

And why is "opposed" to religion?

Well, here comes the further clarification of all ... The magic never be fought with religion ... is just the opposite ... Are most religions that condemn magic.
usually due to fear of the unknown, or perhaps a tradition that has dragged for years. All monotheistic religions are well aware that most of its rituals and festivities were once pagan festivals, celebrations of the people who would have been impossible to remove. (We talked about everything from Christianity)
of Islam ... of this religion, which incidentally is the monotheistic religion founded more recently, there have been plenty of philosophers who many scholars have studied.
and Judaism ... What about him? Kabbalah and most of alchemy and much of it is born ... To say that the magic grimoires are written not in Latin, but in threads!

Wicca is known as the "religion of witches." This was formalized during the last century (no, not old, not born thousands of years as many mistakenly believe), and its rites, like those of every religion, just enter the magic and divination as ways to improve the lives of people.
However, not all witches or wizards are in Wicca. Many are from other religions and therefore do not feel condemned or prosecuted ...

just have to reflect: do you think the manner of for convenience, because you have taught ... Or really believe and have faith for yourself, because it is your wish?

If it is not your desire, replantéate where you put your faith and your hope.

Personally, I am pagan and witch, but I am not wiccan. I believe in his theories, but do not practice any religion.
time ago I read a quote that was what I considered the most correct of all, above religious beliefs:

"All religions are correct, are just different paths to the same God, no matter how many names you throw."

Greetings, and that you spend a good day!


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