In any case, and no doubt that this event if one of the most anticipated of diverse cultures, civilizations and religions, no doubt, in it, but finding the prophet or prophets to make certain these claims and assertions, it is harder today to find ...
Despite the Marian revelations and other events related to these visions, they will try to give always an apocalyptic sense of the coming and final consumption of the flesh of man on his earthly existence, rather than as father , man, lover and friend, I find it hard to accept, regardless of my rational understanding, which might arise in consequence very of what these visions and take Church as the conscience of sin ...
I believe more in the sense of the actual word convictional own conscience and the consummation of the verb in the strictest sense of the truth that you yourself possess, and in the sense of betrayal from committing the same sin moment one can not be consistent with himself, their feeling, thought and conscience, disguising their own reality, the benefit of their own interests and earthly that lead to their own environmental and emotional enslavement.
and certainly Therefore, from this vision and light, the acceptance today of a prophetic sense of the new coming of Christ, is more consistent in a personal or global awareness, which in the same way that others want to take or to give as accurate, the time to be the righteous prophets of truth possessed ...
If there was a consequence of the above, in the Bible has never been more true to the word of the coming of a Messiah, but historical references take as many of these facts on the truth of the words:
Old Testament prophecies fulfilled in Jesus Christ
Jes ús: "Search the Scriptures because you expect them to have eternal life testify of me "(John 5, 39).
The prophets proclaim the Messiah:
the lineage of women will victory over the serpent," I will put enmity between you and women, and between thy seed and her seed: he shall bruise your head while you bruise his heel. "(Gen. 3, 15)
be a descendant of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob ( Gen 12, 2, 17, 19, Num 24:17), of Judah (Gen 49, 8-10), David ( II Sam. 7, 11-13 / / Mt from 1.18 to 23).
Daniel 9:24 Seventy weeks are determined
for your people and your holy city
to end rebellion,
to seal the sin, to atone for the guilt
to establish an everlasting righteousness, to seal
vision and prophecy,
to anoint the holy of holies.
born of a virgin (Isaiah 7.14 / / Mt 1, 18, Lk. 1, 27)
Bethlehem (Micah 5, 1-2 / / Mt 2, 1, Luke. 3, 31).
The Precursor
The Messiah will have a forerunner (Mal. 3.1) / / Juan Bautista (John 1: 15)
to preach along the banks of the Jordan, in the region of Galilee (Isaiah 9, 12).
His life
teacher and prophet (Deut. 18, 15).
legislator and leading to a new partnership between God and man (Is. 55, 3-4). Priest
victim (Is. 52, 15, 53).
Meek and humble (Isaiah 11: 1-5).
Savior of mankind and a stumbling block (Isaiah 8, 14).
rest upon him the spirit of the Lord (Isaiah 11, 2).
Miracles of all sorts (Is. 35, 4-6 / / Lk. 7, 18, 23, Mt 11, 5 ff.).
triumphantly enter Jerusalem (Zech. 9.9).
Passion and death
events of his passion and death (Isaiah 53, Isaiah 50, 6, Psalm 22, 12-19 / / Jn. 19, 21-23, Mk. 15, 24, Mt 27).
Rejected by his own (Isa. 53, 3 / / Jn. 1, 11).
"with words of hatred surround me, attacking me for no reason." Psalm 109.3
Betrayed and sold for thirty pieces of silver (Ps 41, 10, Zac. 11, 12-13 / / Mt 26, 14-15)).
scourged and spat on the face (Is. 50, 6);
pierced hands and side (Psalm 22, 17-18);
You will gall and drink (Ps. 69, 22);
Mocked: " all who see me mock me, twist their lips, they shake their heads" Psalm 22.8
repártense together my clothes and my clothes are drawn. Psalm 22.19
crucify him (Zech. 12, 10);
your body is not subject to corruption (Psalm 15, 9-11); It will have a grave
glorious (Is. 53, 9);
be seated at the right hand of God (Ps. 109, 1).
Prophecies of the United
foretelling the beginning of a new covenant between God and man (Dan. 9: 24-27);
start in Jerusalem (Micah 4, 2);
represent victory monotheism (Zech. 13.2; Isaiah 2, 2-4; Miq. 4, 1-5);
be universal (Isaiah 11.10, 49.6; Mal.1, 11);
with priests and teachers around the world (Isaiah 66, 21, Jer. 3, 15);
a universal sacrifice (Malachi 1 11);
the end be her victory over their enemies (Ps. 2, 1-8; Is. 54, 17, Dan. 2, 44).
Jes ús know that the messianic prophecies concerning Him
When reading Isaiah in the synagogue of Nazareth, says: "Today is this scripture fulfilled before you" (Luke 4, 21 ) For the Pharisees, who refuse to believe in him, says: "You search the Scriptures because you expect them to have eternal life testify of me" (John 5, 39).
Many of the prophecies could not depend on the will of one man merely human. A man could not accommodate them if it was not God: eg, virgin birth in Bethlehem, the many miracles, betrayal for thirty pieces, crucifixion, resurrection, the unbelief of the Jews and the conversion of pagans.
Jesus not only was the subject of prophecy, but also prophesied.
-predicted their own passion and death (Mt.16 ,21-23)
, which would be delivered to the chief priests and scribes (Matt. 20, 18, 26, 57, Mark 10. , 64).
-him over to the Gentiles, who would make fun of him, whipped and crucified (Mt 20, 19 = Mt 27, 26, 29, 30, Lk. 23, 33).
- the betrayal of Judas (Mt 26, 21-25, Jn. 13, 21-26; Lk. 22, 3-4)
- the threefold denial of Peter (Mt. 26, 34 / / Mt 26, 69-75)
- and his martyrdom (John 21, 18-19),
- the flight of the disciples during the Passion (26, 31),
- Honor future Magdalena (Mt. 26, 13),
- would suffer the persecutions after her death (Mt 10, 17-23, Mk. 13, 9-13),
- would do miracles in His name (Mt 16, 17).
- also predicted the conversion of the heathen (Mt.8, 11),
- the preaching of the gospel throughout the world (Mt 24, 14),
- the permanence of the Church until the end of time (Mt 28 20),
- the emergence within them of heresy and separations (Mt 7, 15-22),
- the destruction of Jerusalem (Mt 24, 1 seq. Lc. 21, 24, Mc. 13, 2). Happened (70 AD) and the city and the Temple of Jerusalem were destroyed by the Romans (gentiles).
All these prophecies were fulfilled
Jesus knows what is in the minds and hearts of those around him.
-Meet the Samaritan woman's life in intimate detail (John 4, 18 ff.)
"You know that Nathanael is an Israelite sincere (John 1.47-51);
-thinking penetrates Scribes and Pharisees (Matthew 9, 4-7, 12, 25-27, Luke. 6, 7-8);
-intuits the thoughts of Simon the Pharisee who whispers in their hearts against the sinner (Luke 7, 39 ff.) .
Jesus performs miracles of nature, the thoughts of every heart, forgives sins, resurrected.
Jesus dominates the past, present and future.
No other person in history can do anything about it because only Jesus is God.
The evangelist Matthew in his gospel intends to prove that Jesus is the Messiah, based on the prophecies of the Old Testament.
Testament prophecies fulfilled in Jesus Christ
Christ come out of Israel (Num 24:17-19, Isa 11:1,49:7, Heb 7:14).
Christ would be a descendant of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob (Gen 12:2, 17:19, Num 24:17).
Christ would be born into the family of David (Gen 49, Isa 11, Rom 1:3).
He would:
light of the world until the end of the (Isa 49:6, Lk 2:32).
Redeemer (Isa 49:7,26,59:20,60:16, Rom 11:26).
El Salvador (Jesus) (Isa 19:20,43:3, Luke 2:11, Acts 13:47, 1 Tim 1:15).
Messiah (Christ) (Dan 9:25, Jn 1:41).
King of kings (Dan 2:37, 1 Timothy 6:15, Revelation 17:14).
King of Israel (Isa 44:6, Zeph 3:15, Jn 1:49).
The Lord of lords (Deut 10:17, Ps 110:1, Rev. 17:14).
The Prince of Peace (Isa 9:6, Acts 5:13, Eph 2:2, Rev 1:5).
The Son of God (Psalm 2:9, Rom 1:4).
The 'Mighty God' (Isa 9:6, Rev 1:8).
Prophet (Deut 18:18, John 3:34,17:8).
blessing to all nations (Gen 12:2, Gal 3:8). Genesis 26:4 "for your descendants will be blessed all nations of the earth "
A serve, not to be served (Zec 3:8, Mt 12:18, Mk 10:45).
to bear the sins of mankind (Isa 53:4, Mt 8:17,1 Peter 2:24).
to be sin (Isa 53:6, 2 Corinthians 5:21).
A day of salvation said the Lord (Isa 49:3, 2 Corinthians 6:2).
would establish a new partnership (Gen 17:2,19, Isa 49:8, Jer 31:31, Mt 26:28, Mk 14:24, Lk 22:20, Heb 8:8).
The time of His coming was specified (Dan 9:25, Lk 1:31).
born in Bethlehem (Micah 5:2, Matthew 2:1,6, Luke 2:4,11,15).
Christ born of a virgin (Isaiah 7:14, Luke 1:27, Revelation 12:5).
The Messiah would be God in the flesh (Isa 9:6, 1 Tim 3:16, Heb 10:5).
Children of Bethlehem be killed (Jer31: 15, Mt 2:17-18).
would be called out of Egypt (Hosea 11:1, Mt 2:13-15,19-20).
The coming of Christ would be heralded by a messenger (Isa 40:3-5, Mt 3:3,11:10, Mk 1:2, Jn 1:23).
fishermen as disciples He would (Jeremiah 16:16, Matthew 4:18-19, Mark 1:16-17).
His disciples not fish anything (Isa 19:8, Lk 5:5, Jn 21:3).
He would receive pleas to calm the storm (Psalm 107:28, Mark 4:38, Luke 8:23-24).
The calm a storm (Psalm 107:29, Mark 4:39, Luke 8:24).
His home would be desolation (Ps. 69:25, Acts 1:20).
He would go to Capernaum for a while (Isa 9:1, Mt 4:13, Lk 4:31).
The Spirit descend on the (11:2,42:1 Isa, Mt 3:16)
He could not sin (Isa 53:9, 1Pe 2:22).
The people preach (Isa 61:1, Mt 4:17,10:7,27, Acts 10:42).
He would preach in the synagogue (Psalm 2:22, Luke 4:17-21,28, Jn 7:14).
The speak in parables (Psalm 78:2, Mt 13:34, Jn 16:25, Lk 8:10).
His mother and sisters try to approach Him (Psalm 69:8, Lk 8:19).
The teacher would (Isa 54:13, Jn 7:14).
The pastor of His flock would (Psalm 23:1,80:1, Ec 12:11, Isa 40:11, Jn 10:11,14,16, Heb 13:20).
would establish a Church that would last forever (Isa 59:21, Mt 16:18, Jn 14:16-17, Jn 16:12-15)
He would be heard and not understood (Isa 6:9, Mt 13:14-15, Mk 4:12).
He would be seen but not perceived (Isa 6:9, Matthew 13:14-15, Mk 4:12, Acts 28:36).
He would not be believed (6:10,53:1 Isa, Mt 15:8, Mk 6:6, Jn 12:38).
The performaría miracles and wonders and signs (Isa 8:18, Acts 2:22).
would do the blind see (Isa 42:7,16 Mt 11:5).
The rise from the dead (Isa 25:8,26:19, Ez 37:1-14, John 11:1-44, Eph 5:14).
extol the Father (Psalm 2:7, Isa 42:1, Mt 17:5, Mk 9:7, Lk 3:22, Phil 2:9).
The enter Jerusalem on a colt, on the robes of an ass (Zec 9:9, Mt 21:5).
They spread their garments before the (2 Kings 9:13, Matthew 21:7-8, Mark 11:7).
They sing, "Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord" (Psalm 118:26, Matthew 21:9).
They would hurt the shepherd and scatter the sheep (Zech 13:7, Mt 26:31, Mk 14:27).
Christ would be betrayed by a friend (Psalm 41:9, Jn 13:18, Acts 1:16).
He would be sold for thirty pieces of silver (Zac 27:3,5,9 Mt 11:12).
Thirty pieces of silver would be given by the potter's field (Zech. 11:13, Matt 27:7,10).
Enemies coming for him in the Garden, stumble and fall (Psalm 27:2, Jn 18:6).
He would be nailed to the cross (Isa 22:23, Jer 10:4, Mt 27:35, Jn 19:18).
The uns would suffer and atonement for sin (Isa 53, Mk 9:12).
would accused by false witnesses (Psalm 27:12,35:11,109:2, Mt 26:60, Mk 14:57).
He would be deserted by his friends and would (Isa 63:3, Mark 14:50).
He would be repudiated (Psalm 22:6, Isaiah 53:3, Amos 5:10, Mk 9:12).
The would be hated without cause (Psalm 35:19,69:4,109:3-4, Isa 49:7, Jn 15:25).
would be rejected by His own people (Isa 49:5,53:3, Mk 9:12, Jn 1:11).
His enemies would be of his own home (Mic 7:6, Jn 7:5).
The mouth would not open His executioners (Isa 53:7, Psalm 38:13-14, Mt 26:62-63,27:14, Lk 23:9, Jn 19:9, Acts 8:32, 1Pe 2:23).
They spit in His face (Isaiah 50:6, Matthew 26:67).
He would be humiliated and ridiculed (Psalm 22:7-8, Mt 27:29).
He would be beaten and injured (Isa 53:5, Mt 27:26).
He would be spat upon and beaten (Isa 50:6, Mt 27:30, Mk 14:65).
He would be beaten in the head (Mic 5:1, Mark 15:19).
His appearance would be so distorted appeared not to be a man (Isa 52:14, Mk 15:19).
His hands, feet and side would be pierced (Psalm 22:16, Zec 12:10, Jn 19:37,20:27).
would be crucified with two thieves (Isa 53:9,12, Mk 15:27-28, Jn 19:18).
The forgive their aggressors (Isa 53:12, Lk 23:34).
The cry, "I have thirst" (Ps. 22:15, Jn 19:28).
A He would be given gall and vinegar His agony (Psalm 69:21, Mt 27:34, Jn 19:29).
Men be drawing lots for His garments (Psalm 22:18, Mt 27:35, Jn 19:24).
The suffer intense pain and agony on the cross (Psalm 22:14, Matthew 27:35).
He would be mocked by hanging on the cross (Psalm 22:7-8, Mt 27:40, Mk 15-32).
He would be observed and monitored (Ps. 22:17, Jn 19:37, Mt 27:36).
The exclaim, "My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken me?" Words in his agonizing death, which was prophesied before He was born (Psalm 22:1,19, Mt 27:46, Mk 15:34).
would say, "In Your Hands I Commend My Spirit" (Psalm 31:5, Luke 23:46).
Not a bone of his body would be broken (Ps. 34:20, Jn 19:32-33,36).
The die for our sins (Isa 53:8,12, Dan 9:26, 1 Corinthians 15:3).
They would run a great stone to the door of the tomb (Dan 6:17, Mt 27:60).
His accuser, Judas would be replaced (Salmo 69:25,109:8, Act 1:19-20).
His body not see corruption (Psalm 16:10, Isa 55:3, Acts 2:31,13:34-35,37).
The raised from the dead (Psalm 16:10,49:15, Isa 53:10, Hos 6:2. Mk 15:6).
The resurrected the third day (Jonah 1:17, Hos 6:2, Mt 12:40,26:61, 27:40,27:63).
The not fail (Isa 42:4, Jn 19:30).
He would establish His Church (Zec 6:13, Mt 16:18).
He would be the cornerstone (Psalm 118:22, Mark 12:10, 1Pe 2:6-8).
would one flock and one shepherd (Isa 40:11, Jn 10:16, 1Pe 2:25).
His word would spread to many nations from Jerusalem (Mic 4:2, Lk 24:47).
The amount to high (Psalm 68:18, Ephesians 4:5).
The ascend to heaven (Isa 9:7, Mk 16:19, Lk 24:51).
The sit to the right of Father (Psalm 110:1, Acts 2:34, Heb 1:3).
Every knee will bow to the (Isa 45:23, Rom 14:11, Phil 2:10).
The judge us (Jer 33:15, Jn 5:22, Acts 17:31).
The would make His enemies His footstool feet (Psalm 110:1, Heb 1:13).
His kingdom will last forever (Psalm 45:6, Dan 7:14, Heb 1:8).
Your name last forever (Psalm 72:17, 2Pet 1:11).
His word last forever (Isa 40:8, Mt 24:25, Mk 13:31, Lk 21:33, 1Pe 1:25).
would proclaim eternal salvation (Isa 62:11, Heb 5:9).
He would a priest forever (Psalm 110:4, Heb 7:17,21).
He is the first and last, the Alpha and the Omega (Isa 41:4,44:6, Rev. 22:13).
There is no doubt that in history, in truth there word, and therefore, it exists, but the question remains in the hands of who and how they reflect the truth?, who or who are the architects? ..
If anything, I accept my sin, and perhaps allow me to express it publicly, is that as a believer without a doubt the figure of God the Father and Christ, is perhaps not living up to the moment me when I need to know if I consider it such consideration and perks, yet still of the opinion that there is no better presence and image of Christ in itself, that solidarity action and delivered in any human being on the land, over other men, there is no greater truth than the delivery man can or can provide to their peers, making understanding with the consummation of his deeds, his word, his word is the absolute surrender of his convictions and for others, living witnesses of the authentic truth of the existence of Christ and the Father's compassion towards their children, as was the case of eg : Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Teresa of Calcutta and countless good men and women as prophets of our time (known or unknown) that without uttering even a word or event coming by their actions have given the truth characteristic of the existence itself of humility and constant reflection of the similarity of feeling and essence of God to man, this being one of the pillars of a prophecy consistent, at least for me, this come and consumption ...