Sunday, January 6, 2008

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witchcraft of 74

We practice rites to attune ourselves with the natural rhythm of life forces marked by the phases of the moon and the squares and seasonal semi-square.

2._ recognize that our intelligence makes us feel RESPONSIBILITY to our environment. We seek to live in harmony with nature, ecological balance, consciously, within an evolutionary concept.

3._ recognize that we have a power far greater than ordinary people. Because it is larger than common, is sometimes called "supernatural" but we see it as something related to what is naturally potential to all.

4._ conceive the creative power of the universe as manifesting through polarity (male and female) and that this same creative power remains in todaslas people and operates through the interaction of male and female. We do not value being above the other, knowing that each is supporting the otro.Valoramos sex as pleasure, as a symbol of the personification of life, and as a source of energy used in m'gaicas practices and religious worship.

5._ recognize the exterior and interio worlds (or psychological), known also as the spiritual world, collective consciousness, inner planes, etc .... And we see the interaction of these two diemnsiones grabbing as paranormal phenomena and magical jerecicios. We do not prefer one more dimension than the other, as we see them both as necessary for our fulfillment.

6._ not recognize any authoritarian hierarchy, but we honor those who teach, respect those who share their conocieminetos and wisdom, and give recognition to those who valuably have given of themselves as leaders.

7._ see religion, magic and wisdom as a unit within which we live. A world and a philosophy of life which we identify as Wicca, the Wiccan way.

8._ The call themselves "witch" does not make one a witch, nor do you get this title by inheritance, or collecting diplomas, degrees and initiations. A witch seeks to control the forces within himself, (forces that make life possible) in order to live wisely without hurting others and maintaining harmony with nature.

9._ believe in the affirmation and implementation of life as a continuation of evolution and development of consciousness that gives meaning to the universe we know and our personal role within it. 10._

Our animosity towards Christianity or to any other religion and philosophy of life, because their instructions are acclaimed to be the "only way" and sought black freedom of others and to suppress other forms of practice and beliefs.

U.S. 11._ As witches, we are not threatened by debates on the history of the practice Wicca (witchcraft) on the origins of various terms, or the legitimacy of various aspects of different religions. We take care of our present and our future.
not accept the concept of absolute evil, nor do we worship any entity known as "satan" or the "demon" hows and defined by Christian tradition. We do not seek power through sifrimiento of others, nor accept that personal benefit can be derived by denying the other.

13 .- We believe that we should find in nature that contributes to our health and wellbeing.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Can The Brain Recover From Marijuana

Bruges and Magas.

Well, I got one day this question to my mail to which I join some differences ... Feel free to give your opinion!
"What is the difference between wizards and witches, or are synonyms?"

Currently the difference is between them, beyond the creation of modern Wicca, lies in the procedure for each.
The magician, or magician, is calling it "magic ritual," Inheritance of various daily rituals, prayers and invocations.
Sorcerers, or Witches, based on their traditions in nature, and rituals are almost always linked to a material element.
For make a simple comparison, but not quite right, we could say that the witches are "alchemists" of nature, and the wizards and magicians, "priests."

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What is a Witch / Wizard oo? Current

terms "Witch" and "Wizard" have traditionally meant a woman or man who uses magic. This magic comes from the land, natural energy, which is just one manifestation of Universal Energy . Through the practice of certain rituals, very old and almost always based on a purely instinctive knowledge, the witches fail to control the elemental forces for a definite purpose. As we will see what we have said so far, little or nothing to do with the image more popular and the Witch exaggerated. In no time Witch authorities made pacts with evil or destructive beings, nor use their gifts to harm others. Being a follower of the Universal energy, the Witch is convinced that the beneficial forces produce beneficial results and that any use of your energy for purposes contrary to the values \u200b\u200bthat worships only entail an equal proportion that could cause damage to itself.

There is a belief system unique to Witch or Warlock. Being, as said, a purely instinctive belief, the strength of their rituals and invocations depends on and is closely related to their personal power and will. Since time immemorial, the magic of the Witch and gifts, have been associated with certain aspects of his personality that have been called frequently: magical personality. could say in general that has certain attributes psychic witch above the average, is able to have insights, knows instinctively certain methods of divination, can naturally communicate with spirits and other entities. However, these features do not restrict the pluralistic nature of witchcraft. The magic is part of every act of life, magic permeates every moment and made our lives that relates to decisions and determination. In summary, Witchcraft is part of human life, merely because it comes from him.