Monday, September 17, 2007

Red Brick Home Colour Ideas

Pagan Traditions.

As no single stereotype of the witch, her personal view of religion was not collected in a single pre-set categories and concrete. Although a person belongs to a tradition, the nature of Art gives a lot of freedom for the worship of the pantheon chosen Gods and Goddesses.
"Tradition" means exactly what it seems, a practice transmitted from human to human. In this case, means the method of worship of God and the Goddess using semi-structured rules that have been spreading over the years and have been modified to fit the needs of the group on the road. The following are the various traditions and sects that use witches today, along with a brief description of each. 

Alexandrian tradition:

Founded in England during the 60's. Alex Sanders referred to himself as the "King" of witches. It is said that the rituals are variations of the Gardnerian tradition. 

traditional British Bruges:

A mixture of Celtic and Gardnerian beliefs. The most famous organization at this time is the International Red League (International Red garters). British Traditional Witches are mainly based on studies of Farrar, the famous British couple dedicated to the art of witchcraft. They are also very well structured in their beliefs and go through a training process to achieve higher levels. Moreover, their covens are mixed. 

Celtic Wicca:

The use of a temple to the gods Celts / Druids are mixed with a little ritual Gardnerian and attaches particular value to the elements, nature and old. Had extensive knowledge and respect for the healing and magical plants, stones, flowers, trees, elemental spirits, dwarves, gnomes and fairies.

 The tradition of Caledonia:

Officially known as the "Tradition of Hecate, the description of art is originally Scottish and still preserves the unique festivals of the Scots.

 The Art of Witchcraft ceremonial:

Followers of this Tradition use a large number magical ceremonies in their practices. Rituals retailers with an aroma of Egyptian magic are some favorites, but also use cabalistic magic. 

Dianic Tradition:

This term, first pointed out by Margaret Murray in 1921 in "The Witch-cult in Western Europe" (the cult of witchcraft in Western Europe), seems to include a mixture of several traditions. However, its main focus in recent years lies in the Goddess, and labeled as "feminist" movement of art. 

eclectic Witchcraft:

Basically this phrase indicates that the individual does not follow any specific tradition, denomination, sect or magical practice. Learn and study from many magickal systems and apply according to the time it seems to work better. 

Gardnerian Tradition: Organized

by Gerald Gardner in England in the 50's. Gerald was one of the few people so determined that the Old Religion did not die he came to publish in the media. Behind all the hype, Gardner believed that young people need art as much as the art needs a new generation to survive. Both

as Gardnerian Alexandrian tradition follow a structured route in ceremonies and practices. Usually not as verbal as other traditions and pay more attention to the protection and the practice of his art. 

Hereditary Witchcraft.

find any trace anyone in your family tree and a family who lived in his own time to teach him the Old Religion. The methods of "channeling" are not valid. How far one has to refer to fulfill this definition is debatable, since many dynasties have taken someone into his bosom, and be of blood, often due to the lack of offspring, others by the appreciation of that person. This decision is not never lightly, the ceremony is complicated and important, after all, has its way, not every day you can choose to relatives. It is quite similar to the union by marriage of an individual with a family. 

Kitchen Witchcraft:

This term does not hear too often. In essence, is a type of art practice around the home or at home that focuses on the practical side of religion, magic, the earth and the elements. There are some people who complain of this designation as they consider degrading or simply inadequate. Anyway, do not forget that the Old Religion started somewhere, and surely kitchen (and the hearth where once cooked) is an ideal place of assembly, health spells, buffs, healing and celebration. In short, Where everyone gathers in the festivities? The cookery is still an inexhaustible source of memories for humanity, the image of a mother preparing a "concoction" for a sick child resides in the minds of almost all of us. 

Witchcraft "Pictish" It's

Scottish witchcraft that harmonizes with all aspects of nature: animal, vegetable and mineral. It is a solitary form of art and nature magic primarily to religious minorities.

 The Pow-Wow:

Natives of South Central Pennsylvania. Is a system and not a religion, based on the German's elite magic 400 years ago. The Pow-Wow has degenerated into a mere faith healing. Although the roots of the Pow-Wow is currently in German Witchcraft, few practicing Pow-Wow continues today in Pennsylvania Art and not even know the true nature of his birth. 

Satanic Witchcraft:

No one can be a satanic witch because witches do not believe in Satan. 

Seax Wicca:

Founded by Raymond Buckland in 1973. Although it has Saxon basis, is credited with authorship Buckland himself broke his oath not Gardnediano original. Raymond's contribution to art is significant. Not only developed a tradition more than acceptable for many people, but also wrote a number of textbooks on various aspects of magic and art practices, guidance, thus many lives in a positive sense. 

solitary Witchcraft:

A person who practices alone, regardless of traditions, denominations or sects. The lonely arise in several ways. Some were initiated into a coven and eventually decided to leave this environment to continue practicing a particular Tradition or sect by themselves. A lone can also be an individual who does not want to practice or learn in a coven, but that it is possible to adhere to a specific tradition or sect through the teachings of another. For example, a hereditary member of a family might decide to teach a friend but not adopt it in the family for many reasons. And finally, can be a solitary witch who has decided to study on your own from books, contacts and friends from different traditions witch. These people have the ability to fall and rise from the floor as if nothing had happened to keep trying. More and more people are the lonely path instead of group interaction. Another name pair wing solitary witchcraft is the "natural witchcraft." It is possible to hear this term on occasion. 

Strega Witchcraft:

Secunda an established tradition in Italy that began around 1353 with a woman named Aradia. Of all the traditional witchcraft, this group appears to be the minority, however, his teachings are unique and should not be missed. 

Teutonic Witchcraft:

Since ancient times, the Teutons have been recognized as a group of people speaking Germanic languages. Culturally, this includes English, Dutch, Icelandic, Danish, Norwegian and Swedish. Also known as "Northern Tradition"

Wicca Witchcraft:

So far, this synopsis of the witches may have noticed that I just use the terms "Wicca" and that many of the definitions as well individual names and dates come from my own understanding of each word. I have heard and read many arguments for and against the use of the word "Wicca" and "Art of Witchcraft." I'll tell you sincerely that I have used two words when I discussed about my faith depending on my partners in conversation. Some people consider the term "witch" and "selfish." Maybe. Different words mean different things to many different people. Each individual must draw his own conclusion as to terms used to describe himself. Personally, I like the word "witch." To me, it means mystery, healing, energy, special, different, balance and history. Means knowledge, secrets, earth and a link with male and female aspects of my being. The word "wicca" gives me no such feelings. Represents another kind of associations, connections, church, New Earth ... It also symbolizes a "card", a way for people to accept our beliefs because they have no preconceived idea of \u200b\u200bwhat that word means, while "Witch" is automatically associated with persecution, demons and average age ...

No definition is better than another, each has its strengths and weaknesses, you should choose for himself.

- Halloween Mix -

Another concept on which to reflect: The Next Generation of witchcraft. I do not mean the children of Art (although it could be) but to those individuals who have begun to study Art in recent years and are renewed belief. Witchcraft is flexible: It is possible to find people who practice magic aspects of art. Find witches who use more than a magical system in one week, and others that share a number of definitions to describe themselves. I've heard of "Druidic Witchcraft" or statements like "I am a solitary witch is based on the Dianic tradition." However, note that the echo of which are based on a tradition does not mean they have been inducted into it.
There are countless combinations that will make you happy, I will bring you success and feel at peace with humanity. Just because you decided to study the Gardnerian tradition does not mean you can not read a book from the Dianic tradition, or use the two practices at the same time or different pantheons of gods.

Finally, to operate within a belief structure, a person must be familiar with the same parameters. The new generation is forming must also learn the wisdom of "silent" when the situation requires it, and likewise, must have the strength to "speak aloud" when the need arises.

"To Ride a Silver Broomstick" Silver Ravenwolf (1993)